Wednesday, July 19, 2006

In a Funk

I can't seem to break myself out of it. All I want to do lately is sleep. I have only been to the gym once in the past 3 weeks. Used to no matter what was going in my life I would make time for the gym no matter what. There have been circumstances that haven't helped. I have been sick. Not bad sick just a sore throat mostly but I don't seem to be able to shake it. I'm still battling a case of bursitis. Which was extremely bad last week but in the past I would have ignored it and went on. I'm to lazy to even get myself up and go to the doctor to get this stuff fixed.

I feel so drained when I have to work nights and get up early to get the kids to school. Thank goodness this is the last week of summer school. I get home from taking my son to school and I sit down or lay down and the next thing I know there is no time to get my daughters ready to go because I have to pick him up at 12. Then it's off to work. I have had some repair men by lately but I should be planning around that. Same goes for working extra hours at work. Next week I have to get myself out of this. I could go to sleep right now.

I think I just might.

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