Monday, July 31, 2006

Glorified Sale?

In case you missed it this weekend August 4-6 is a sales tax holiday in Tennessee. It's the state's way of giving residents a tax rebate from last years budget surplus. Is it just me or does this have the potential for corruption? I did a post last month about how often I see stores mark up prices before a sale. Could the same happen here? Or is it possible that merchants may cancel sales in order to make more money on a weekend that they know sales will be up? I'm sure plenty of stores will have legitimate sales to entice shoppers into their stores but I also expect plenty of scams.

The holiday is timed so that it falls during back to schools shopping but what about those who don't have kids? How do they get there share of the surplus? Now, I do have kids and I will do some shopping this weekend but it has more to do with necessity than a sales tax holiday. The sales tax in Davidson Co. where I live is 9.25%. That means I'll save less than a dime on that $1.00 box of crayons. If there is a budget surplus. How about you cut me a check for my portion or possibly lower my property taxes. It's kind of like those scams where you have to send them money to get your sweepstakes winnings. In order to get my rebate I have to spend more money. Doesn't seem like much of a rebate to me.
For more on the tax holiday:

Getting Back on Track

I think I'm finally coming out of my funk. I got a good nights sleep last night and went to the gym this morning after a month layoff. Not a bad day. I was of course weak and fatigued (is it an accident that the first 3 letters of fatigue spell fat) but I expected a lot worse. Now here comes the pain. The dreaded DOMS(delayed onset muscle soreness). I did take it a little easy today. Years of working out has taught me to ease back into it. A little goes a long way when coming off a layoff. Your muscles are more easily stressed there for it takes less work to break them down. If I can stay on track for at least a month. I'll be back to old form. This won't be easy. We are still short handed at work which means a lot of overtime and I will remain on nights for a while. Which wouldn't be a bad thing except school is about to start and my work load will be higher and my hours of sleep will be lower.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Rapping Granny not just a Novelty

I've been watching some of this new show on NBC called America's got Talent. It's from the makers of American Idol and is hosted by Regis Phibin. The three celebrity judges are Brandy, David Hasselhoff and some British guy I don't know. Either all British men are wise guys or this guy is doing his best Simon Cowell. Anyway there was this elderly lady who raps. She picked it up from her grandchildren and she is really good. She just made it through the semi-finals. I have listened to rap since I was a small child and I was very impressed. It is one thing to rhyme it is a totally different thing to rap and she raps! Here is a clip from her first performance and it doesn't do her second one justice. She was much better this week.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Those Crazy Kids

Kids do the most amazing things. If only we all could mature but still keep some of that innocents. I have three kids 16,8 and 9. The two youngest are girls. They of course do all usual kids things. Ride bikes, play with dolls, catch lightning bugs but there is one thing they do that amazes me. There is a Hispanic girl down the block that they play with daily. No that's not the amazing part. The amazing part is that she doesn't speak english. You wouldn't know it by the way the interact. I asked them "how do you play if she can't understand you". They replied "we pick simple words that she can understand". I'm not sure I would have that kind of patients but everyday she knocks on the door and in simple english says my youngest daughters name. Then they go out to play. They even spent the night last week. They had a ball. No marches, no protest, no immigration just three friends having fun.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

LV on Sports: Chris Brown

What a wimp! Chris Brown wants a trade because he can't take the competition. Yeah, I know with so many running backs that touches are going to be at a premium but if your the man and a pro bowl caliber back like you say then prove it. Beat these guys on the field. Take their playing time away from them by being so good so tough that they don't see much of the field.
The fact is Chris needs the help. He is soft and he can't stay healthy. For my money "cheese" (Travis Henry) is the best back on the team. I've watched him since the glory days at UT and he is the man. If you bring some weak arm tackle to him you are going to get embarrassed.

I say let him go! I think the Titans will just fine with Henry, White and Payton . I have heard that even in victory Brown would still hang his head in the locker room after the game if he didn't get his numbers. You don't need a guy like that on rebuilding team. This team is never going to get back on track of players like Brown don't check their ego.
For more info:

Friday, July 21, 2006

They're Both Terrorist

I've been following this situation in the mid-east and I think it is despicable. I understand that Hezbollah is a terrorist group and you have to deal with these guys firmly. What makes both sides terrorist is the loss of innocent life. The fact that innocent people have to live in fear for their lives in bunkers and how many of them have to leave their homes or the country. Israel has come out said that they don't want to kill innocent people but they will if they have too. Thanks for your concern Israel!

How cowardly is it that Hezbollah hides among the population. Using these innocent people as shields. Give Israel what they want or get your butts out there and fight like men. Don't hide behind civilians. The Lebanese government is acting like they're victims in all this. I don't see it that way. They're harboring these people. They allow them to exist and maintain a level of control. Expel them and protect your people. I'm telling you force begets force and everyone is picking sides and this thing may end up making Iraq look a block party before it is over.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Is This a Woman Thing

My girlfriend moved in about 3 weeks ago and I'm pretty happy about the way things are going. I'm a single father of three and she loves my kids like they were her own. However, there are of course some woman things that bother a guy who has lived alone with his kids for a number of years. Question number one. Where do I put my clothes? I cleaned out half of my dresser and all of the big closet. I moved some winter things into storage and put some of my tshirts into under bed storage bags. I figure we will sort out closet space once she moves in.

So, we move her in and the next day she goes her annual family 4th of July vacation with her family. I had to work. So, I go the closet to get the iron and to my surprise my closet is filled end to end with her clothes. Not enough space for me to put a belt. So, I ask her about this. Me: " I notice you filled the closet with your clothes." Her: "I thought you cleared out that closet for me." Me: "Where are my clothes supposed to go." Her: I thought you put all your things in the other closet." Now the other closet has shelves for storage in it with a small space (about 1/10 the space of the other) where clothes might go. So, for those scoring at home she has the big closet, half of my dresser and her whole dresser that she brought with her. I have half my dresser and small amount of closet space in the storage closet. Is this a woman thing?

Question two: "Honey do you know where my ____ is". Of course she knows because she is the one that moved it. I get it she is Miss Organization. She has organized things so much I'm afraid one of the kids might end up in box somewhere in the attic. Is it a female rule that things don't have a home until they give it one. Don't get me wrong I love my girlfriend but she is a chronic stuff mover. She says I lay things down everywhere. No, I lay things down where I want them and where I expect them to be when I look for them later. I would like to apologies to father for thinking he was crazy when I was a kid. He would complain non-stop about things being moved. I would think dude get over it. Now, I understand.

Do they think we're stupid

I went to Opry Mills mall this past weekend with my girlfriend. We stopped in at Wilson's Leather. I thought maybe there might be a good deal on motorcycle jackets. It being summer and all. Sure enough the sales guys meets us at the door telling us all the great sales that day. So, I proceed through the store looking at the jackets and I find a rack on sale for 99 bucks. Great right! No, these are the same jackets that were priced 99 dollars months ago when I was there but now it's a huge sale. I'm a window shopper. I will eye something for months before I buy it. So, I know when some store is trying to pull something like this. The same thing happens at this home decor place in Hickory Hollow Mall. They continuously double their prices then mark 70% off for a sale. I wonder how many times I fall for this in stores I don't frequent. I bet it happens to most of us all the time.

Buyer B ware

In a Funk

I can't seem to break myself out of it. All I want to do lately is sleep. I have only been to the gym once in the past 3 weeks. Used to no matter what was going in my life I would make time for the gym no matter what. There have been circumstances that haven't helped. I have been sick. Not bad sick just a sore throat mostly but I don't seem to be able to shake it. I'm still battling a case of bursitis. Which was extremely bad last week but in the past I would have ignored it and went on. I'm to lazy to even get myself up and go to the doctor to get this stuff fixed.

I feel so drained when I have to work nights and get up early to get the kids to school. Thank goodness this is the last week of summer school. I get home from taking my son to school and I sit down or lay down and the next thing I know there is no time to get my daughters ready to go because I have to pick him up at 12. Then it's off to work. I have had some repair men by lately but I should be planning around that. Same goes for working extra hours at work. Next week I have to get myself out of this. I could go to sleep right now.

I think I just might.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Surviving the Heat

On really hot days like today I think we all appreciate the invention of the air conditioner. Today just so happens to be the 104th birthday of this marvel. On July 17, 1902 Willis Carrier invented the air conditioner. I don't think many appreciate this as much as I do right now. Having spent the better part of three days without air last week. I have the up most respect for Mr. Carrier's invention. Thanks to the guys at Donelson Air I'm in the cool zone again. Even better they gave me the $1500 upgraded Train model at no extra charge because they couldn't get the model I chose. Weather man says it will get close to 100 today. Not a problem!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Sex Addict?

What kind of defense is this? I had sex with and am still trying to have sex with a teenage boy because I'm a sex addict. Sex addiction makes you want sex all the time with anyone you can find. Not one person in particular. She is a very pretty girl and if this were the problem she could have guys lining up taking numbers. (Now serving #365. Bob you again you were just here this morning). She could be a porn star or prostitute. At least then her addiction would provide some income.

No Miss Rogers you are not a sex addict. You are a child predator nothing more. The other thing that gets me is that she got a second chance. How many guys do you think would have gotten a second chance. I guarantee if that were me I wouldn't have seen the outside of prison until my children were grown. Why is there double standard when comes to things like this? And, what the hell is wrong with teachers today. When I was a kid there was a rumor about one teacher maybe fooling around with students. One and nobody new for sure or who with. It was a English teacher. Of course that is the teacher you wanted if you were a boy. Hell, if she likes me I might get laid and a grade. However, teacher didn't look like Pamela Rodgers when I was a kid.

Check out the video:

More info pictures and video:

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I want 2 live here

I don't know where this is but I would pack my bags tonight.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hey Titans fans!

Just in case you didn't know it single game tickets go on sale Saturday 7-15-06. I haven't heard any sports reports on this yet but I'm sure we'll see the usual people camped outside of LP Field like every year. As well as ticket giveaways at Kroger. Let's hope this years team is worth watching. Last year became painful. For more info:

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Class Act

Kudos to the people of Cheatham Co.. Sgt. Kevin Downs was nearly killed last August by a roadside bomb in Iraq. Downs was the only one to survive the attack but not without a price. He has burns on 60% of his body. He also lost both legs and the use of one of his arms. The people of Cheatham Co. have banned together to do what ever they can for him. They have set up a fund in his name, built a wheelchair ramp at his home and Tuesday 7-11-06 they gave him a heroes welcome home. He was greeted at the airport by family and well wishers. He also had a motorcade escort home where hundreds of neighbors lined the streets.

So, good job to the people of Kingston Springs and Cheatham Co. for supporting one of our nations finest. Welcome home Sgt. Downs and get well soon!

Check out the video.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Not like Mike!

Michael Jordan is being sued by this idiot for 832 million dollars because he is tired of people mistaking him for in my opinion the greatest basketball player to ever lace them up. That's right Kobe and Lebron you can wear 23 but you'll never be him. I clipped this from Fox Sports web site.

The television station's Web site says Allen Heckard filed the suit against His Airness and Nike founder Phil Knight on June 29 in county court, claiming to have been mistaken for the basketball legend nearly every day for the past 15 years.
And he's tired of it.
"I'm constantly being accused of looking like Michael and it makes it very uncomfortable for me," Heckard reportedly said.
Heckard apparently is suing Jordan for defamation and permanent injury, emotional pain and suffering. He is suing Knight for defamation and permanent injury for promoting Jordan and making him one of the world's most famous athletes.
Heckard, who stands slightly taller than 6 feet, says many people miss the fact that he is roughly six inches shorter than Jordan.
But Heckard bears a physical resemblance to Jordan because he has a shaved head, an earring in his left ear, and is in good physical shape — from playing basketball.
"Even when I go to the gym I'm being accused of playing ball like him (Jordan)," Heckard said.
Wouldn't most people consider that a compliment?
"Yes, don't get me wrong it's definitely a positive thing, because Michael, like I say is one of the best ball players that I've known to play the game. But then again, that's Michael and I'm me. So I want to be recognized as me just like Michael's being recognized as Michael."
The television station apparently caught Heckard wearing blue Air Jordan tennis shoes.
Is Heckard trying to look like Jordan?
"They're very comfortable shoes to play ball in," said Heckard. "I play a lot of basketball and any other shoes I try to play in tend to hurt the bottom of my feet."
What made Heckard decide to file suit against Jordan and Knight for $416 million each?
"Well, you figure with my age and you multiply that times seven and then I turn around and I figure that's what it all boils down to."

This guy looks as much like Mike as Roseanne looks like Beyonce. Heres more video.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Movie Review

Went to the movies this weekend and saw Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. First let me say that I love action/adventure movies and anything remotely SciFi. So, true to form I like this one. Not as much as the first one but a good film none the less. The only knocks I can give it are that it is too long 155 minutes with nearly half that set up. Also it was kind of predictable. However, when you watch as many of these type movies as I do you can see most things coming. Capt. Jack, Will, Elizibeth and most of the gang from Curse of the Black Pearl are back for this first of 2 sequels. I have read that the original vision was so big that they had to cut it up into 2 movies to be filmed back to back similar to The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings. The film is of course loaded with lots action and great special effects. Although it has a bit of violence I believe it is clean enough to take the kids. Be on time for this one because the theatre I went to didn't show any movie trailers. I would expect this is due to the length of this movie. For those of you (like me) who like stick around until after the credit to see that special scene. Don't waste your time. The credits feel like they' re almost as long as the movie itself and the scene is nothing special. As a matter of fact I'll tell what it is so you wont have to stay. If you don't want to know stop reading now.

2 Thumbs Up!

It shows the dog that was left on the island sitting on the throne being worshipped by the cannibals. Enjoy the film.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

First 8 tracks now this

I was talking to a few guys that work for me the other day about college. Reminiscing about the crazy things that happens in dorm life. I mentioned that my first roommate dropped out of school and stole my records when he left. They thought it was funny that I had records in college. Now, I'm not so old that I did have any cd's but I also had a lot of records. I still do.

I was reading a story in USA Today this week that reminded me of that. It was about how power windows are becoming standard equipment in new vehicles. Also a funny story about a guys young daughter not understanding how the crank worked because she had never seen one. Just think the crank window could become like an eight track tape.

Here is a portion of that story.

Some of the thriftiest cars equipped with power windows standard include Ford Focus, Honda's new Fit subcompact and Toyota's youth-oriented Scion line. Nissan's 2007 Sentra will have standard power windows, replacing cranks of the past.
Ford has whittled down its crank-window models to its Ranger and some F-Series pickups and some Crown Victoria models. Only about six General Motors car models still have crank windows.
[Bill Kwong] recalled having to explain how the crank works to his amused 11-year-old daughter when he drove home a Corolla XRS, one of the few Toyota models left that has them. "She's spoiled," he quipped

Friday, July 07, 2006

Pull'em up Tuck'em in

I have always thought most people that make new rules are just bored. They look for things to take from other people and make rules as such. Like at my sons summer school. They have made a rule that students must have there shirts tucked in or be expelled. Meaning that they don't get the credit for being there and the parent is out of 50 bucks. I assume that this is to keep boys from having their pants sagging down their butts. Which by the way I hate. Why anyone would want their pants hanging to their knees is beyond me. It's nothing new. Kids used do this years ago when I was in high school. I didn't get it then and I don't get it now. I admit I tried it. For about 5 minutes and it was very uncomfortable. A few years ago when I was picking my son up from school I counted how many times this kid had to pull his pants up from the door to his car. I counted 12 times. It was ridiculous. With that said I still think expulsion is a little over board. I used to be really hard on my son about it. I would embarrass him in front of his friends if I caught him sagging and make him come home. That all changed one night at Opy Mills mall. There were kids basically rioting. If memory serves there were a few kids even maced. They shut down the whole mall because of it and some kids were taken away by the police. I remember I thinking "thank god my son isn't apart of this". I was so glad I wasn't going to be getting a call from the police like those parents were. The sagging thing seemed so small after that. I mean he hasn't to this point ever been in trouble. So, I got off his back about it. As long as he keeps it covered with his shirt I leave him alone. Sometimes as adults we can get so bogged down with the small stuff that we miss the big picture. Fact is these kids will grow out of this stuff that they think is cool. Being cool usually keeps your pockets empty and nobody wants that.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Where's my BBQ

I have always loved the 4th of July. A day full of good times and good food. Strangely enough it is the date of my only real childhood injury. Most of us have had them. You know a broken arm falling out of a tree or stitches from a bicycle accident. Mine was a rocket to the back of the head. Every year we had a fireworks war at the park that was across the street from my house. It was the park kids vs. the project kids. Most years we sent them running back down the hill. So, my brother and his best friend light one of these big rockets with the plastic tip aiming it at another kid. I came along after they had already lit it. The next thing to happen was zoom, pow, screaming, crying, a trip to the emergency room and eight stitches. So, those who know me and have wondered how I got that scare in the back of my head now you know. I still haven't let my brother live it down.

I still wish I didn't have to spend yet another 4th of July at work. Sometimes makes me want to find another job. It's just the way things are in this business. We must have enough people to put on the shows. I can't just put the news on the back burner until Wednesday. I haven't looked the numbers but I'm sure nobody is watching. Their on the lake or at the pool. Some would ask what am I complaining about because I get paid double for holidays. I DON'T WANT DOUBLE! I WANT SOME BBQ! My dad is the king of BBQ. He really has it down to a science. So, I pack the kids into the car and take them grandmas' in east Tennessee. If I can't have a fun day and my dad's BBQ at least they can.
The views of Lewis are his own and do not express the views of his employer or any other organization that he may be affiliated with.