I know what your thinking. Your thinking here's another upset dad who is being taken to the cleaners by the mother of his children. You couldn't be further from the truth. I am a single dad of three kids who can't seem to get child support. I have had full custody for about 3 years. Now, there mother has been ordered to pay but she doesn't. You would think that they would keep up with that over at Juvenile Court but they don't. You have probably seen the news stories spouting record child support collects. Some of us fall between the cracks. The way they get these people to pay up is by taking away licenses. Like hunting and drivers. Well my BM (babies mom) doesn't hunt and she hasn't had a drivers license or any other type of license in years. So, how am I supposed to get her to pay up. Back in Oak Ridge where my brother lives and pays child support they contact him immediately if her gets behind but not here in good ole Davidson. I have two choices. I can go over to Juvenile Court and pay them about $120 to take her back to court for contempt or I can contact child support services and let them handle it. I chose the latter. Why should I have to pay the state over a hundred dollars to get them to do their job. I am already completely financially responsible for the kids. Even when she did pay up it wasn't much money. Not for three kids anyway. It doesn't even cover what I have to pay for their medical insurance. My brother pays double what she's been ordered but for only two kids.
So, back in September I went down to the Child Support Services office to take care of things. I filled out a application, turned it in and they told me that I would receive something in the mail within 3 three weeks about coming back in for an appointment. Four weeks later I called and I was told that they weren't sure why I hadn't heard anything but I would here something in about a week and a half. I called back 3 weeks later after not being contacted yet again. They told me that they could see it but it would reach there system for a couple days and that I should here something next week. Care to guess if I heard something or not. NO I didn't. I called them back and the lady rudely asked me if I had given them my court order. I told her that I had filled out the application and that... She interrupts me and asks me again if I had given them my court order. " That's what I am trying to tell you ma'am". She interrupts again" I'm just telling you that we can't do anything until we have that. At this point I get mad and tell that they hadn't asked for it and that I had it when I came downtown and I would have gladly given to them then but they didn't ask for it. I went on to say that I didn't appreciate her insinuating that I was the hold up when I had been trying for months to resolve this. She gives me a half hearted apology and the fax number to there office. I fax it over and in a few weeks I receive a letter stating that they were going to wage assign her payment and also go after the back pay. A week or so later I get a check for a whopping $31. My BM is a waitress and that is the most they can take out of her check. She doesn't make her living from her paycheck. She makes it from her tips.
So today I called to see if they could file the paper work to find her in contempt and they tell me that they can't do anything for 90 days. Three more months of waiting on someone to hold her accountable. Makes me understand why so many single mothers just give up. They make you go threw a lot of hassle. My brother works 2 and 3 jobs to pay his child support and what does he get for doing the right thing. They raise his child support because of an increase in income. He has a 1 year old child at home and they only give him a $300 credit for him. That is $300 dollars a year not a month. It sucks that he works so hard to do what is right and they continue to hassle him. My BM doesn't even try and I'm the one who gets all the hassle. Is it because I am a man?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
No Santa
Some of the best memories I have of childhood are of Christmas. Writing and mailing a letter to Santa. Decorating the tree with my Mom. Lying in bed not being able to sleep in anticipation of what was under that tree. Asking my parents every hour "can we get up now". This Christmas will have a new memory. It will be the first Christmas in 17 years that I won't be Santa. Don't get me wrong I am buying presents but my kids no longer believe in Ole Saint Nick. I confirmed what I'm sure they have already heard from there friends. It makes my sad. I'm going to miss all the Santa questions. "How does Santa make it around the world in one night daddy". "What would happen if we had fire in the fire place daddy. Would Santa skip our house". I will especially miss pretending to call Santa when they are bad. It's not without it's good points. I don't have to buy gifts from me and Santa. This year everything is from good ole dad. I am handling it much better than I thought I would. It's not easy to tell children that you have lied to them their whole life. My oldest daughter being the inquisitive type wanted to why we lied about it. I told her because of "tradition" and that it makes Christmas more fun. She seemed satisfied with that answer.
Why do my babies have to grow up? I think the thing that makes me the saddest is the thought of all the other things that they will soon out grow. Trick or treating, sitting on my lab, hugging and kissing my goodnight. Where does it end? Next thing you know some boy will be coming over to take one of them on a date. Hmm I better get a gun.
So, this year no writing letters to Santa. No getting up in the middle of the night to put presents under the tree. No leaving milk and cookies for Santa. No fun!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Bad Santa
A friend sent me this link to a site where you type in orders and Santa does what you say. It's a real guy in a Santa suit. If you type in jump. He jumps. If you type in beer. Yes Santa gets a beer. He seems particularly fond of that one. Santa will also get naughty. Some fun ones to try are get busy, pee, butt, naked, fart or just type in the word Santa. His response can very when you type in Santa but expect a tongue lashing.Give it a try.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Vandalism Update
The painters came out last week and did a pretty good job. There is still a little black paint on one of the window frames that they need to take care of. Let's hope that I don't have a hard time getting them back out there. The insurance company shouldn't cut them a check until I sign off on it. No new word on court for the suspects. They haven't picked up the adult suspect to my knowledge. I called to check a few weeks ago and they said if I found out that he was home that I could call and they would send someone because it is a low priority. Mean while back at the ranch I'm out $1,000 dollars in deductibles. HO HO HO
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Britney not so Hot!

Yesterday a co-worker told me about the partially nude photos of Britney Spears that are posted thesuperficial.com. My first thought (to borrow a line from Paris Hilton) that's hot. However, when I got there and looked at her bare vagina laid out for the world to see my thoughts were anything but hot. I guess there is still that since of novelty since she is this mega star but these pictures are definitely not bringing sexy back. I'm guessing that she must have had a cesarean with one of her children. If not that is on mother of a stretch mark. It's kind of funny that in all the footage of her, Paris and Lindsay Lohan hanging out that Paris is the one dressed conservative. Is Britney having a Mid-twenties crisis. Is she hearing the footsteps of father time creeping up behind her at the ripe old age of 25. This girl needs an honest friend. Judge for yourself. If you're at work wait until you get home. If you're at home send the kids out of the room. 1 2 3
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
General Nathan Bedford Forrest and MTSU
I have been following this story about the MTSU students wanting to change the name of the ROTC building. Currently it is called Forrest Hall. After General Nathan Bedford Forrest who was a Calvary general in the civil war and was of course from Tennessee. The reason for the petition is because he is also known as a slave trader and for having a role in the formation of the Ku Klux Klan. I have what some would see as a surprising opinion about this considering I'm black. I graduated from MTSU and I remember that building. I never thought twice about it when I was there. The reason being is that his name isn't on that building because of his involvement in the KKK. It's on there because of his service in the military. Everything that I have read has described him as a military genius. I also understand that many of his ideals are still being taught to toady's military. One thing has nothing to do with the other. George Washington owned slaves. You don't see anyone trying to take his face off the one dollar bill. Andrew Jackson owned slaves but you don't see people protesting at the Hermitage. Hell, let's take him off the twenty while we're at it. Don't get me wrong I'm not defending Forrest. The Klan was responsible for many acts of terrorism and I'm sure that he had much to do with it. You also have to remember the time in which he lived. It isn't like he was doing this back in the 70's. Funny thing is I don't recall seeing any of these protesters wearing an ROTC uniform. Makes me think that outsiders are the ones pushing for this and the actual members are alright with it. These kids just need to let sleeping dogs lie. They should be gone in 4 to 5 years anyway.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
The Real Michael Richards
The Micheal Richards video was very disappointing to me. I must admit I am a fan of the Seinfeld show and Richards. Hearing him took me back to another time in my life. A time when I didn't always take white guys at face value. A time when white guys had to really earn my trust. I draw these parallels because when someone loses it like that it gives us a glimpse into their real heart. Not the face that they choose to show us everyday. When I was a younger man in my late teens early twenties there were a couple situations that struck me the same way. One was a situation where I heard a white guy I knew saying unflattering things about black people when I was on the phone with his sister. He never knew that the person on the other end was black. Another was the first time I was ever called a nigger to my face. This was by a guy I didn't know well but still never thought he had it in him. Especially when it was unprovoked.I have of course have grown up since then and have different views. I don't have that immediate distrust but there is of course caution around those who fit the build of a racist. Those are the people I can deal with. A good ole rebel flag waving redneck with a white sheet in the back is easy to pin point. It's those like Richards that scare me. The ones that you can't pick out of crowd. No I'm not saying that all redneck rebel flag waivers are racist. I went to college with a guy just like that and he was one of the coolest guys I ever met. Even invited me home with him. I didn't go but not for distrust of him. I didn't trust all the rednecks in his home town that I didn't know.
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is so. Only a racist would say something like that. He wasn't drunk or high he was being his true self. He let his guard down long enough to let the real Micheal show through. By contrast to most I don't feel he owes the whole world an apology. He doesn't owe me one. He owes it to the people to which the comments were directed to. As well as the other people in the audience that he offended. So, all these comics that are trying to get face time by coming to the defense of black people need to stop. Get some publicity some where else. Damn opportunist.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Save a Horse Ride a Commodore
I'm usually not one to talk smack but Vandy deserve it. Last year they beat my Vols for the first time in 23 years and would not shut up about it. I didn't know this until this weekend but they put the win on DVD. How sad is your program when you put a win over a 5 and 6 team on DVD. I remember this one Vandy fan called into a radio station last year and said that Tennessee always says that their a football team during basketball season. "Now I guess we can say that we are a football team" he said. That team went 5-6 also. I guess this year he can say their even bigger losers because they went 4-8 with 3 of those wins being over division 2 TSU,Temple who went 1-11 this year and the 0 and 11 Duke Blue Devils. I hadn't planned on going but my girlfriend happened upon some tickets late and wanted to go. I'm glad I did. I went expecting to see my Vols beat the crap out of Vandy and that's just what they did.
I have to say that Vanderbilt stadium may be the worse I have ever been in. They are just not equipped to handle full capacity. When we parked the parking attendant apologized because they were unorganized "we not used to it being this busy" she said. There was a line to get into the stadium because they don't have enough gates. There was a line in the vomitory just to get to your seat. We were in the vomitory 5 minutes before kick off and we missed 3 minutes of the first quarter. A bad stadium for a bad program.
On the way in a Vandy fan told a rowdy Tennessee fan that "you can't spell county jail with out UT".Well, you can't spell winning season with VU.
I have to say that Vanderbilt stadium may be the worse I have ever been in. They are just not equipped to handle full capacity. When we parked the parking attendant apologized because they were unorganized "we not used to it being this busy" she said. There was a line to get into the stadium because they don't have enough gates. There was a line in the vomitory just to get to your seat. We were in the vomitory 5 minutes before kick off and we missed 3 minutes of the first quarter. A bad stadium for a bad program.
On the way in a Vandy fan told a rowdy Tennessee fan that "you can't spell county jail with out UT".Well, you can't spell winning season with VU.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I Like It Live
I’ve worked in TV for more than 13 years and I have to say I like live TV the best. I’ll do 4 shows today and one of them will be taped. I hate doing taped TV. Guests don’t show up on time or they socialize past taping time. Producers either don’t do everything they should or they half do it. That of course makes my job harder. Then you have the “oops can we start again”. No let’s just air it with you saying “oops can we start again”. The best thing about live TV is not post show editing. Last week I did a taped program that had a fixable mistake. It could have aired the way it was but I thought I would go the extra mile. Wouldn’t you know it golf ran over and it didn’t air. It is supposed to air this weekend but it still stung at the time. With live TV everyone get’s in place, master control counts us down, we do the show in one take and then get up and leave.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Vandalism Update
I got my car back from the body shop Friday and it looks great. It hasn’t look this good in years. It sucks that I had to get vandalized to get it that way. They were able to get it all off with chemicals rather than re-painting. Unfortunately it cost me a $500 dollar deductible. I have a contractor coming out Friday to look at the house. It would be nice to have it cleaned up before Thanksgiving but I don’t think it will be. This unfortunately will cost me another $500 dollar deductible. So, there you have a thousand dollars out of my pocket right at Christmas. Santa is pissed! A guy at work told me about some stuff that might take the spray paint off my van. Until recently it wasn’t running so I dropped the comprehensive coverage. So, it’s up to me to get it fixed. The paint on it was crap anyway and I don’t want to spend anymore money on this right now. I haven't heard anything new on the suspects. The DA told me they would subpoena me when they set a court date for the minor. I’m not sure if they have picked up the adult. I took out the warrant about a week and a half ago.
Ray Lewis plays the Race Card
I've posted here before about my distaste for black people using the race card where it doesn't apply. Remember the old children's book "The Boy That Cried Wolf". Eventually when he really did need help and nobody came. We are getting close to that in the black community. People think we are just calling wolf because we have over played this card. A new example is by Baltimore Ravens Linebacker Ray Lewis. In a recent interview he hinted at racism wondering if the Tennessee Titans would have treated a white QB like Brett Farve or Peyton Manning the same way as they did Steve Mcnair. I have followed the Titans for a long time. I work on their pre-season games and I've directed the Jeff Fisher show for years. I don't see the racism here. Hey Ray in case you missed it Vince Young is BLACK! Also Billy Volek is white and they shipped his butt to San Diego. Kerry Collins is white and they benched him for Young. Hay Ray you ever heard of a former Oiler QB named Warren Moon?
He is right about one thing Peyton Manning and Brett Favre wouldn't be treated this way. That's because Manning is a 2 time MVP winner and the best QB in the league. Favre is the only three time MVP winner in the history of the NFL. They are both probably first ballot hall of famers. I think it's safe to say that they earned the right to go out on their on terms.
He is right about one thing Peyton Manning and Brett Favre wouldn't be treated this way. That's because Manning is a 2 time MVP winner and the best QB in the league. Favre is the only three time MVP winner in the history of the NFL. They are both probably first ballot hall of famers. I think it's safe to say that they earned the right to go out on their on terms.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Funny in any order
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Vols Announce Starter for Saturdays Game
From News 2:
Big orange fans it is official. Coach Phillip Fulmer just announced that Jonathan Crompton will be the starting quarterback this Saturday against Arkansas. Crompton came into last Saturday's game against LSU after starting QB Erik Ainge left with an ankle injury. Crompton tossed two touchdown passes and almost led the vols to victory. He has known all along that being a backup, you are one injury away from playing
A behind the scenes look at TV election coverage

It was a busy day for me yesterday but not like Tuesday which was of course the midterm election. I have been through many of these as a newscast director and they are always chaotic. If people could only see the craziness that goes on behind the scenes. It doesn't matter how much you plan or how prepared you are it's going to be nuts. News people stress themselves out just at the thought of an election. Not so much for us production people. Sure we acknowledge that it is big day and we go through what ever preparation necessary to get the job done but the mentality stays the same. Get on as nice a show as you can but don't sacrifice the overall look of the product. You can't get bogged down with the hype of a big show. Every show should be a big show or your in the wrong line of work. When I was a young director I let myself get caught up in the hype and got myself all nervous before a "big show". I completely bombed it. I learn this lesson that day. Do your best on every show and there is no reason to try harder because you are already doing your best.
The craziest times are usually when we are in un scripted coverage. Fly by the seat of your paints. I have to admit it is a nice change from doing newscasts. It's like doing breaking news. You manage newscasts but you direct breaking news situations. There are 2 to 3 producers in the control room and the phone is ringing off the hook. Everyone would love to be in the room giving their input they can't it just makes the situation worse. As much as it makes them mad sometimes as the director you have tell people to shut up and possibly to leave the room. There should be one main spokesperson as far giving instruction to the director. Interaction with other producers should be kept minimal. This cuts down on getting contradictory information as well the noise level.
Tuesday we had two major changes the made the night more challenging. That afternoon I found out that we would periodically be adding a fifth person to our set that was built for 4. We came up with a quick plan that we thought would work. We didn't have the luxury of getting cameras and talent in place to test our plan as we were close to news time. As luck would have it when we got into coverage our plan didn't work. Our fifth guest was hid behind the host on the group shot and we had to shoot between heads to get his close up. The guys on the floor made some adjustments and it finally worked it's self out. Another change happened in the middle of coverage. As you probably noticed that on election night programming is squeezed back over poll numbers. It's called a ticker. This all happens independent of the control room. There are three people in two different rooms that operate that. One person compiles the numbers. Another puts them in the computer that runs the automation and then master control puts them on the air. We were broadcasting on the web, radio and the government channel. With cut-ins on our main channel. The ticker only airs on our main channel. In the middle of coverage management decides they want to see it everywhere. So, engineering had to scramble to make it available to the control room and we had to build and adjust effects to compensate. We had to sacrifice some things but this goes back to what I said before about preserving the overall look. Those things were just window dressing.
It was a long tiring night. Overall things went well and I think everyone did a good job.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
My Civic Duty
I voted today. It only took about 40 minutes and I think it would have gone faster if not for the new machines and all the amendments. This was a difficult election this year. I had a hard time deciding between the U.S. Senate candidates. The truth is I don't like any of them. That's when I had an epiphany. Who is the one person in this world that I can always depend on? The answer is me. I would rather choose no one than choose the wrong one or someone I don't like. So, I wrote myself in. That's right I voted for myself for the U.S. Senate. I encourage others to do the same. If you don't feel like any of the candidates deserve your vote then don't vote for any of them. Your voice will still be heard and my voice says I think your all bums and you don't deserve my support and I refuse to give it to you.
Monday, November 06, 2006
My Bad Weekend
My girlfriend were arriving home from a holiday party Friday when I saw a guy ducking down between my car and van. I yell stop the car as I noticed the spray paint on my car. It took me a minute to get out because I had a little to drink and I was in a hurry. The two "artist" took off running and I chased after in a suit of all things. They ran through my neighbors back yard and jumped over the fence. I did the same. Just as I make it over the fence I noticed one of them just standing there. I figure why chase the other one when this one is dumb enough to just stand in one spot. I grabbed what I thought was a male suspects arm to my surprise it was a girl. She had her face covered with a bandana. I said your coming with me and she didn't put up a fight.Which made me nervous. She was just to calm. So, I watched her close on the way back to my house for fear that she may be armed. We got to my house and I told to sit. She complied. I called for my 17 year old son and asked him if her knew her. He said yes. I then asked her why she was vandalizing my property. She replied that my son was trying to kill her. What do you mean I asked. She said that my son was in a gang and had put her name a hit list to be killed. I then called the police.
At the same time my girlfriend had circled through the neighborhood and caught up with the male I had been chasing. She asked him why he was spray painting that guys car he said that he had a problem with the boy that lived there. That he had been messing with his girlfriend. She asked who he was and replied that she didn't need to worry about that. She told him that she had his tags and that the police were on the way and that he could stay and deal with them or they would come to his house. He then chose to leave.
I of course was mad as hell. They spray painted my car, van and house with gang graffiti.Pictures I asked the girl what did her problem with my son have to do with my vehicles and house. My son doesn't have a car. Those are my cars. This is my house. She said she didn't know. I ask her who the guy was she told me "Walter Jones he's my boyfriend". She gave him up without any hesitation. Of course he left her without any as well. She also said that she had been in a gang but she wasn't anymore. The police came and took all the information and took her off to jail. The next day I went to get a warrant on Mr. Jones who turned out to be the legal age of 19. It took most of the day but with the help of a police officer friend I was able to get it done. In the light of morning I also found four bricks covered in bandanas out in my yard. I am guessing that those would have been tossed through my windows if I hadn't come home when I did. That same day I called the kids house to talk to his parents and he answered the phone. His parents weren't home but I did speak with him. I ask him why? He said he was just there to dropped off his girlfriend not realizing that the woman that he confessed to the night before was my girlfriend and lived in that house. Long story short he first denied it. Then he wanted to work things out between his parents and I. I told I would call back and hung up. I spoke with his parents the next day and they came by the house to look at the damage. They are really good people. They were very apologetic to me and disappointed in their son. I felt bad for them.
Back to my son. This is not the first time my house has been vandalized because someone was mad at him. Last year and the early part of this year the rear window of my car was broken as well as paint on the rear of the car. Four windows were broken on the house. One of them twice. He has this fascination with gangs now. I have found pictures of him doing gang signs. Someone told him that he was dead in front of his mother. I keep talking to him about this but he won't listen. He doesn't understand the danger that he is putting himself and our whole family in. I am not going to allow him to get one of his sisters, myself or anyone else close to us hurt or killed because of his stupidity. He turns 18 in August. If anything else happens his 18 birthday will be his last living under my roof. This has been a bad year. I have now put 9 people in jail for vandalism or aggrevated robbery.Pictures
At the same time my girlfriend had circled through the neighborhood and caught up with the male I had been chasing. She asked him why he was spray painting that guys car he said that he had a problem with the boy that lived there. That he had been messing with his girlfriend. She asked who he was and replied that she didn't need to worry about that. She told him that she had his tags and that the police were on the way and that he could stay and deal with them or they would come to his house. He then chose to leave.
I of course was mad as hell. They spray painted my car, van and house with gang graffiti.Pictures I asked the girl what did her problem with my son have to do with my vehicles and house. My son doesn't have a car. Those are my cars. This is my house. She said she didn't know. I ask her who the guy was she told me "Walter Jones he's my boyfriend". She gave him up without any hesitation. Of course he left her without any as well. She also said that she had been in a gang but she wasn't anymore. The police came and took all the information and took her off to jail. The next day I went to get a warrant on Mr. Jones who turned out to be the legal age of 19. It took most of the day but with the help of a police officer friend I was able to get it done. In the light of morning I also found four bricks covered in bandanas out in my yard. I am guessing that those would have been tossed through my windows if I hadn't come home when I did. That same day I called the kids house to talk to his parents and he answered the phone. His parents weren't home but I did speak with him. I ask him why? He said he was just there to dropped off his girlfriend not realizing that the woman that he confessed to the night before was my girlfriend and lived in that house. Long story short he first denied it. Then he wanted to work things out between his parents and I. I told I would call back and hung up. I spoke with his parents the next day and they came by the house to look at the damage. They are really good people. They were very apologetic to me and disappointed in their son. I felt bad for them.
Back to my son. This is not the first time my house has been vandalized because someone was mad at him. Last year and the early part of this year the rear window of my car was broken as well as paint on the rear of the car. Four windows were broken on the house. One of them twice. He has this fascination with gangs now. I have found pictures of him doing gang signs. Someone told him that he was dead in front of his mother. I keep talking to him about this but he won't listen. He doesn't understand the danger that he is putting himself and our whole family in. I am not going to allow him to get one of his sisters, myself or anyone else close to us hurt or killed because of his stupidity. He turns 18 in August. If anything else happens his 18 birthday will be his last living under my roof. This has been a bad year. I have now put 9 people in jail for vandalism or aggrevated robbery.Pictures
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Holiday Party Retraction
I was wrong. I know you don't hear me say that very often but this time I was. Friday night I went to my girlfriends work holiday party and I posted here how much I didn't want to go because people bug me. The people at her new job were awesome and I had a great time. They were cool without overextending themselves. Nobody was trying to make me feel comfortable. Also, for the first time I wasn't the only black guy there. There were about 7 of us. OK, 5 were waiters but still unusual for one of these events. Jokes aside it was great I got drunk and I'm looking forward to the next one.
Friday, November 03, 2006
First Holiday Party
The clothes are picked out and on the bed awaiting me. My girlfriend is in the middle of her beauty regiment and our departure is eminent. An early holiday party for her job. I hate these things. She has a new job this year and that will make it worse. At least at the old job those guys already knew about me and I didn't have to answer all of those questions. Where do you work? How long have you been there? How did you get into that? How many times a week do you work out? How much can you bench. Maybe I should type up all my responses and hand them out. Yes, I am non sociable and that's not going to change. I don't like to be bothered unless I know you.
Another problem is that I will likely be the only black person there. That's not a problem for me but it is for the white people. I'm fine being around white people. I've been around white people my whole life. I'm kind of used to them by now. For some reason when I go to these things it seems that everyone wants to make feel more comfortable. Like I'm part of the group. Since I am the only black person they all know my name and they approach me like we have known each other for years."Hi Lewis good to see ya buddy" They don't realize that I am fine and I don't want to feel like part of the group. What want is to be left alone. However, most of the time there is an open bar. Which is a pretty good thing. The only thing better than beer is free beer. Better go she is getting impatient. Wish me luck.
Another problem is that I will likely be the only black person there. That's not a problem for me but it is for the white people. I'm fine being around white people. I've been around white people my whole life. I'm kind of used to them by now. For some reason when I go to these things it seems that everyone wants to make feel more comfortable. Like I'm part of the group. Since I am the only black person they all know my name and they approach me like we have known each other for years."Hi Lewis good to see ya buddy" They don't realize that I am fine and I don't want to feel like part of the group. What want is to be left alone. However, most of the time there is an open bar. Which is a pretty good thing. The only thing better than beer is free beer. Better go she is getting impatient. Wish me luck.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
1 step forward 3 steps back

It's seems every time I do something to improve my house something bad happens. Earlier this year I replaced my front door. Then most of the electrical outlets in my bedroom stopped working. I replaced the carpet. A few months later a hose from a toilet breaks and floods the hallway. I replace the stove and the air goes out. The latest is a hole in the ceiling of my den. We still had a lot stuff laying around that needed to be stored from when my girlfriend moved in. So I started organizing it and putting things in the attic. Things were progressing well then I made one wrong step. I mean I actually made a step that was wrong. Yep, I stepped through the ceiling. I didn't get my full weight down but it was enough to make a huge hole. I guess I should count my blessing that I realized what I was doing before I made a Lewis size hole.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Lewz Viewz on the 287(g) Immigration program
There is an immigration story that I have seen on couple of stations lately about an immigrant from El Salvador named Claudia Nunez. She has been living in this country illegally since 2001. When she failed to renewed a tourist visa. (Tourist visa damn she hasn't seen enough in 5 years.) She faces deportation because she was caught driving illegally and held under the 287(g) immigration program. Which means as soon as someone is booked sheriff's deputies will check an immigration database and individuals who are in the country illegally will be held until an immigration judge decides what to do. Her husband and two children are legal.
The news reports tried to make their viewers feel sorry for this poor victim."I think there is no day I am not crying," Nunez said. "I cry every day. I'm scared. What happened, I don't know."
"I want to stay here but I am just waiting."
I'm not without a heart and I do feel sorry for her two kids but that doesn't change the fact that this woman shouldn't be in this country. She had every chance over the past 5 years to do the right thing so that she could stay but she chose not to. Now we are supposed to feel sorry for her! You will have to pardon me if I seem cold but I don't. Tell it to the guy who got ran over on his motorcycle by an illegal back in August. Or the family that was murdered by one in South Nashville a few months ago. Stick to facts and leave the sentiment out of it.
I don't have a problem with any race but I do have a problem with illegal immigrants. No matter what country they are from. I support this 287(g) as long as they check everyone. Not just the hispanics or anyone with an accent. If they don't then this is just racial profiling.
The bottom line is keep your status legal and you and your family don't have worry about it. Don't and be prepared to be thrown out on your ass.
The news reports tried to make their viewers feel sorry for this poor victim."I think there is no day I am not crying," Nunez said. "I cry every day. I'm scared. What happened, I don't know."
"I want to stay here but I am just waiting."
I'm not without a heart and I do feel sorry for her two kids but that doesn't change the fact that this woman shouldn't be in this country. She had every chance over the past 5 years to do the right thing so that she could stay but she chose not to. Now we are supposed to feel sorry for her! You will have to pardon me if I seem cold but I don't. Tell it to the guy who got ran over on his motorcycle by an illegal back in August. Or the family that was murdered by one in South Nashville a few months ago. Stick to facts and leave the sentiment out of it.
I don't have a problem with any race but I do have a problem with illegal immigrants. No matter what country they are from. I support this 287(g) as long as they check everyone. Not just the hispanics or anyone with an accent. If they don't then this is just racial profiling.
The bottom line is keep your status legal and you and your family don't have worry about it. Don't and be prepared to be thrown out on your ass.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Is it dark already?
I have never had a 9 to 5 job and I 'm not sure I every want one. I don't see how 9 to 5'ers don't go crazy or maybe they do. Not only do they have to deal with rush hour twice a day they don't even get to see the sun. They get up and it's dark outside. When they get home it's still dark outside. God forbid it rains then they don't even get sun during their commute. I have always had jobs where I go in during the evening or mid morning. How do these people run their errands. I don't think I could handle doing everything during my lunch break. Go to the bank. Go to the gym. I like to eat to much. On lunch break I want (well) LUNCH. This has to be a depressing time of year for 9 to 5'ers.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Put the race card back in the deck
As an African American I am embarrassed and over the allegation by the NAACP that this RNC Bob Corker ad is racist. We (the black community) are to quick to play this card. Putting a racist label on things that aren't takes validity away from the cases that really are. Let's face it there are still race problems in this country but let's use a little more discretion. Let's put this card back in the deck and play it when it is really necessary.
A white woman with blonde hair and bare shoulders looks into the camera and whispers, "Harold, call me," and then winks.
This Republican National Committee television ad doesn't mention that "Harold" _ Democratic Senate candidate Harold Ford Jr. _ is black, but the NAACP and others have complained the commercial makes an implicit appeal to deep-seated racial fears about black men and white women.
Race was always an element of the Tennessee contest as Ford seeks to become the first black man elected to the Senate from the South since Reconstruction. The issue
slammed into the public consciousness this week with the latest ad.
"I've not met any observer who didn't immediately say, 'Oh my gosh!' It was a race card," said Vanderbilt University professor John Geer, an expert on political attack ads.
Hilary Shelton, director of Washington bureau of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said the ad plays off fears some people still have about interracial couples.
"In a Southern state like Tennessee, some stereotypes still exist," he said. "There's very clearly some racial subtext in an ad like that."
The Republican National Committee, which paid for the ad, denied that ithad any racial subtext. Party chairman Ken Mehlman said it was produced by an independent organization, in accordance with campaign finance law, "without the knowledge, the participation, the advice, the approval or the involvement of either the national party or the campaign."
Associated Press writer Liz Sidoti in Washington contributed to this report.
Copyright 2006 by the Associated Press. All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Vols Bama Rivalry Gone to the Dogs
Evan before the two rivals took the field for Tennessee's 16-13 victory over Alabama the vols drew first blood. During warm ups Bama receiver Mike McCoy stepped on smokey the Volunteers bluetick coonhound mascot. Smokey did what any good Vol would do he snapped at him and apparently drew blood. I'm sure Smokey was only preparing his taste buds for this weekend as the Vols take on the South Carolina Gamecocks. Proving the point that the Crimson Tide not only play like chickens but they taste like them to.For more check out the Tennessean.
Go Vols
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
I feel like dad of the year
My youngest daughter had a school project last week about weather. The project call for her to wright a weather alert like she might see on tv. Ok, I work at a tv station and I'm involved in weather alerts all the time. As fait would have it we had a threat of severe weather that day and they had tornados in Louisiana. So, when I got to work I popped in a tape and rolled on the radar loop. That same day I had one of our main anchors record a toss to my daughter like she would do to our regular weather talent. Later that week I took my daughter to work, put her alert in a script, put in the prompter and recorded her reading it at the chroma key wall. We edited it all together and had one cool project. Her teacher loved it and my daughter couldn't have been happier at all the attention. She thanked me over and over. I felt like the best dad in the world. I always say parenting is putting up with 99 bad things just to get to that one thing that makes you smile. I'm still smiling.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Funny Gator Joke
My girlfriend sent me this.
Three SEC football fans were out for a ride when one noticed a foot sticking out of the bushes by the side of the road. They stopped and discovered a nude female, dead drunk.Out of respect and propriety, the Tennessee fan took off his cap and placed it over her right breast. The Alabama fan took off his cap and placed it over her left breast. Following their lead, but with some grumbling, the Florida fan took off his cap and placed it over her girly part.The police were called and when the officer arrived, he conducted his inspection. First, he lifted up the Tennessee cap, replaced it, and wrote down some notes. Next, he lifted the Alabama cap, replaced it, and wrote down some more notes. The officer then lifted the Florida cap, replaced it, then lifted it again, replaced it, lifted it a third time, and replaced it one last time.The Florida fan was becoming annoyed and finally asked, "What are you, a pervert or something? Why do you keep lifting and looking, lifting and looking?"Well," said the officer, "I am simply surprised. Normallywhen I look under a Florida hat, I find an asshole.
Three SEC football fans were out for a ride when one noticed a foot sticking out of the bushes by the side of the road. They stopped and discovered a nude female, dead drunk.Out of respect and propriety, the Tennessee fan took off his cap and placed it over her right breast. The Alabama fan took off his cap and placed it over her left breast. Following their lead, but with some grumbling, the Florida fan took off his cap and placed it over her girly part.The police were called and when the officer arrived, he conducted his inspection. First, he lifted up the Tennessee cap, replaced it, and wrote down some notes. Next, he lifted the Alabama cap, replaced it, and wrote down some more notes. The officer then lifted the Florida cap, replaced it, then lifted it again, replaced it, lifted it a third time, and replaced it one last time.The Florida fan was becoming annoyed and finally asked, "What are you, a pervert or something? Why do you keep lifting and looking, lifting and looking?"Well," said the officer, "I am simply surprised. Normallywhen I look under a Florida hat, I find an asshole.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Sports Illustrated jinx threatens to derail Vols Season
Tennessee Volunteer redshirt Freshman Antonio Wardlow will be on the cover of the October 16, 2006 issue of Sports Illustrated. The photo is of Wardlow recovering a punt that he blocked for a touchdown in the 51-33 win over Georgia last week. The article is about how the SEC is the toughest NCAA football conference to play in. The question now is could the Vols or Antonio Wardlow be succeptable to the SI jinx. In case haven't heard of this it is a commen superstition that being on the cover of SI will cause you or your team bad luck. SI addressed their own cover jinx in a 2002 issue featuring a black cat on the cover. Then St. Louis Rams quarterback Kurt Warner was asked to pose with the cat, but refused. Warner and the Rams won their next two games to win their second NFC Championship in three years. I can remember a SI cover that proclaimed the Tennesee offensive line of Chad Clifton, Cosey Coleman, Bubba Miller, Jeff Smith, Trey Teague as possibly the best ever. Although they were talented they struggled and didn't live up to the hype. So, look out Vols fans!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
OCC in America Chopper Show in Nashville
I was lucky enough to score some free tickets (ok my girlfriend scored them) for the OCC in America show this past weekend. In case you haven't seen it Orange County Choppers is a family owned custom chopper company in New York that has a reality tv show on the Discovery channel called American Chopper .We really had a good time. At least after we finally got there. Kim is a little on the let's say slow side and we left an hour later than planned. After getting there and listing to her yell at me for riding faster than her (ok Kim I admit it I was wrong) we had fun. A group of christian riders blessed our bikes when we got there. Hopefully that will keep me off the pavement. We had good seats right down front where we could sit until they came out then get up for a closer look. We met this nice couple from Shelbyville that we teamed up with to hold our seats. As well as take pictures of each other. We weren't able to go until Sunday. We both worked on Friday and I had morning obligations on Saturday. Not to mention we had to watch our Vols lay the smack down on the Georgia Bulldogs(51-33 go vols).
This is not the type of show you take a date that isn't into bikes or hasn't seen the tv show. Lucky for me both of use ride. The Friday and Saturday shows had live music but Sunday was the OCC guys doing some how to stuff, Assembling a bike(which they gave away), tossing out t-shirts and frisbees. Many of their bikes were on display and that was very cool. They were fenced in but you could get within about 5 yards of them. So, I got some really good pictures. The best part was when they were picking a color for the computer generated bike Paul Jr. used my shirt as reference for UT orange.
Afterwards we grabbed a bite to eat on 2nd Avenue. There had to be more than 100 bikes on 2nd Sunday. It was an unbelievable site and very loud. Check out the pictures there is a funny one of Paul Sr. coming out of the porta potty(I know it's sick but it was too funny not to take the shot.
Friday, October 06, 2006
The Irony of me being a blogger
Blogging is a hobby. I don't get paid for doing it but I do enjoy it. Which is strange because the English language has never been a friend to me. I usually struggled with anything related to it when I was a kid. Ok, I'll be honest I struggled with most everything in school except for lunch. I was a skinny kid so I guess I had my struggles with that as well. I found it hard to retain it from year to year. So, every year it like I had never seen it before. Hell, I still can't diagram a sentence. Spelling dan't evan got mi started. I just never put forth the effort and let me tell you I pay for it now. I can't always tell how to spell something but I can usually tell if it wrong. I love spellcheck.net. That's one of the cool things about blogging. It is informal. I don't have to worry about viewers or readers calling me up to tell me I put where instead of wear(which I have done on here). I don't have to answer to a boss if I get a fact wrong. Who's to say that anybody would even see it since there is no real way to my knowledge for me to monitor how many people read these posts.
So, pardon my misspellings. Forgive me if I have a comma splice. Embrace my defiance of most English rules. By god i does not always come before e except after c. I may not have all these literary skills but I do have an opinion. I also have a computer(it's a Dell dude) with an internet connection. For blogging that's all you need.
So, pardon my misspellings. Forgive me if I have a comma splice. Embrace my defiance of most English rules. By god i does not always come before e except after c. I may not have all these literary skills but I do have an opinion. I also have a computer(it's a Dell dude) with an internet connection. For blogging that's all you need.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Definition of Sicko: See Mark Foley
Former Congressman Mark Foley's attorney said Foley was molested by a member of the clergy when he was a teenager. Foley checked into rehab for alcoholism after abruptly quitting congress Friday over inappropriate instant messages with an underage male congressional page. The only thing worse than being a sicko is making excuses for being a sicko. Boo hoo hoo don't blame me it's the churches fault I'm a sick drunken deviant. I hope they throw the book at this guy. To violate a trust like that after speaking out so strongly against child predators for so many years is unbelievable. I take great satisfaction in the fact that he will probably be prosecuted under some of the laws he helped create. The irony of this is as deep as the ocean but as sweet as my mom's lemon pie.
His lawyer went on to say that Foley was gay. REALLY! That's shocking! That went right over my head. Talk about stating the obvious.
He even interrupted a vote on the floor of the House in 2003 to engage in Internet sex with a high school student who had served as a congressional page. So, if he was under the influence of alcohol every time he sent these messages wouldn't that mean that he was drunk on the job? Those messages were sent moments before voting in the house. This morning ABC News aired messages that imply that Foley may have provided alcohol for underage teens at his home.
Check out this video of Foley back in 2002 speaking to a group of pages that were about to leave. I'm sure it seamed innocent then but now it's kind of creepy.
His lawyer went on to say that Foley was gay. REALLY! That's shocking! That went right over my head. Talk about stating the obvious.
He even interrupted a vote on the floor of the House in 2003 to engage in Internet sex with a high school student who had served as a congressional page. So, if he was under the influence of alcohol every time he sent these messages wouldn't that mean that he was drunk on the job? Those messages were sent moments before voting in the house. This morning ABC News aired messages that imply that Foley may have provided alcohol for underage teens at his home.
Check out this video of Foley back in 2002 speaking to a group of pages that were about to leave. I'm sure it seamed innocent then but now it's kind of creepy.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Haynesworth gets 5 Game Suspenion
Tennessee Titans defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth was suspended five games for kicking Dallas center Andre Gurode in the face during Sunday's game. Here is the video.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Albert Haynesworth: I couldn't believe my eyes
"What I did out there was disgusting." "It doesn't matter what the league does to me. The way I feel right now, you just can't describe it."Those are the words Titans Defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth after the 45-14 beat down by the Dallas Cowboys Sunday. In case you missed it Haynesworth kicked Dallas center Andre Gurode in the face causing multiple lacerations around his left eye, he left for the locker room to receive 30 stitches but returned to the sideline late in the third quarter. Haynesworth also pulled off his helmet and slammed it to the ground, prompting another flag. He was then tossed from the game.
This was despicable. I still can't believe I saw what I saw. I have followed Fat Albert(hey,hey,hey). Sorry wrong Albert. Anyway since his days at UT and I am embarrassed that he is a former Vol. What the hell would make someone do something like that. To stomp another man in the face with cleats on. Oh my god. He deserves what ever he gets. There is no place for that crap in any profession. He doesn't deserve to wear the number 92. FYI that was the number of former UT great and NFL hall of famer Reggie White.
Friday, September 29, 2006
How safe are our schools
The latest tragedy in Colorado coupled with my daughters school play this morning has got me thinking about school safety. An intruder could walk into any Metro Nashville school right now armed and there is nothing anyone could do about it. My son's high school has several entrances and anyone could gain entry from any direction. It does have a resource officer office but plenty of damage could be done before they could do anything about it. In fact if a intruder knew where that office was they could ambush it with no problem.
On the other hand my two daughter's school has all locked doors and you have to be buzzed in at the front. Even this system would not stop a gunman. When I go to the school like this morning. I just ring the bell and the secretary looks to see that someone is there and she buzzes them in. Another way to get in is to just wait until someone leaves and walk in that way. Theres no security guard or metal detectors. It scares me really. It isn't like this hasn't happened in Tennessee before.
I don't know what the answer is to keep our children safe at school. I know money is an issue. I know that no system is going to be fool proof. I just hope someone fixes it before god forbid something happens to one of my children.
On the other hand my two daughter's school has all locked doors and you have to be buzzed in at the front. Even this system would not stop a gunman. When I go to the school like this morning. I just ring the bell and the secretary looks to see that someone is there and she buzzes them in. Another way to get in is to just wait until someone leaves and walk in that way. Theres no security guard or metal detectors. It scares me really. It isn't like this hasn't happened in Tennessee before.
I don't know what the answer is to keep our children safe at school. I know money is an issue. I know that no system is going to be fool proof. I just hope someone fixes it before god forbid something happens to one of my children.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Bothered by the death of Diamond Brownridge
Incase you missed it Diamond Brownridge is the 5 year old little girl from Chicago who went to the dentist and received a triple dose of sedatives. Then went into a coma. Well, she died yesterday. I can't imagine how painful this must be for her parents. For more on Diamond Brownridge.
A co-worker years ago told me that a professor told her"working in news rots your soul". It took a while but I believe that. After 13 years in the news business not much gets to me anymore. I make jokes about most of it. Death, destruction it doesn't faze me. There is one exception. That is children. I have three kids of my own and I am bothered when harm comes to a child. Remember a few years ago when there was a rash of abducted little girls around the country. There was this one girl who had been murdered. A network package had a shot of her dead body covered with a sheet. I think it was on a rock by some water. She was the same size and weight of my daughters at the time. She looked just like one of my daughters in that shot. It almost moved me to tears. I hope they sue the pants off this guy and he loses his license. This is pure negligence.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
For as long as there have been coaches there have been fans that think they know more than coaches. Most sports fans have been guilty of it at one time or other and I'm no exception. Now a couple Tennessee Titans fans have taken their criticism of Jeff Fisher into cyber space. They have launched their own website firecoachfisher.com. Fire this coach dotcom sites are nothing new. Tennessee Volunteers head coach Phillip Fulmer has had one as well as the now former offensive coordinator Randy Sanders. Did you notice I said Former offensive coordinator(maybe it worked). This new site blames coach Fisher and GM Floyed Reese for the poor showing by the Titans over the past few years as well as for the current 0-3 record. There goal is to sell 67,798 T-shirts that read "Hey Bud, Fire Coach Fisher". Why 67,798? because that's the number of seats at LP Field. The site is the brain child of Bryan Griffey who designed the t-shirt and Jonathan Tucker. They launched the site after Sundays 13-10 loss to Miami.
This site is lame. They want Fisher out but don't pen point anything that he has done wrong. They criticize Fisher for the way Mcnair was handled. That was a management decision not the coaches. They have a problem with the way he handled the Volek situation. I admit I did also but I am starting to think that there is more to that than we all know. Maybe Billy was lazy. Sometimes thinking your owed something makes you stop doing the things that put you in the position to get it in the first place. They wouldn't even let the Tennessean take their picture for fear they might be recognized. Are they afraid that big Albert is going to pay them a visit. I have a name for these guys but I won't dirty up my blog with that kind of language. Heres a hint. It's starts with a P.
It appears that Bud Adams backs Fisher. During preseason Adams said: "Fisher's not going anywhere. He'll be here."As of right now I also support Fisher. His job is to Coach the players that management gives him. If those players aren't good enough it isn't his fault: YET. This is a young team and it going to take time to get them to gel together. I have confidence that Jeff will get the job done. If anyone should be worried it should be Floyd Reese.
This site is lame. They want Fisher out but don't pen point anything that he has done wrong. They criticize Fisher for the way Mcnair was handled. That was a management decision not the coaches. They have a problem with the way he handled the Volek situation. I admit I did also but I am starting to think that there is more to that than we all know. Maybe Billy was lazy. Sometimes thinking your owed something makes you stop doing the things that put you in the position to get it in the first place. They wouldn't even let the Tennessean take their picture for fear they might be recognized. Are they afraid that big Albert is going to pay them a visit. I have a name for these guys but I won't dirty up my blog with that kind of language. Heres a hint. It's starts with a P.
It appears that Bud Adams backs Fisher. During preseason Adams said: "Fisher's not going anywhere. He'll be here."As of right now I also support Fisher. His job is to Coach the players that management gives him. If those players aren't good enough it isn't his fault: YET. This is a young team and it going to take time to get them to gel together. I have confidence that Jeff will get the job done. If anyone should be worried it should be Floyd Reese.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Weatherman VS. Cockroach
I have seen some funny weather bloopers in my 13 years in TV but this one takes the prize.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Ouch put some ice on it
If you like laughing at stupid people you will love this. I think somebody greased the pole.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
LV on Sports: Grading the Vols
I have mixed thoughts about the Vols this weekend. Hey, a 33-7 win is never a bad thing but there are some concerns as we get closer to a tough SEC schedule and lets not look past Memphis. We got caught doing that a few years ago when a certain quarterback by the name of Peyton was at UT and the offensive coordinators name that year; Davide Cutcliffe.
Offense: C+
The offensive line just isn't getting the job done the last two games. With the exception of LaMarcus Coker's 89 yard TD run the run (which came at the beginning of the 4th quarter)blocking was near nonexistent. The Vols only rushed for 36 yards during the first 3 quarters. The pass blocking was pretty good although Ainge was sacked twice. The receivers and the improved play from Eric Ainge are the bright spots. Ainge appears to be more confident each game and is making better decisions(with the exception of that sack he took in the second half where he should thrown the ball away). The receivers are playing well but it does concern me that I don't hear many names called other than Jason Swain (Sr.), Brett Smith (Sr.) and Robert Meachem (Jr.). Who will catch the ball if and when these guys get hurt and Graduate next year?
Defense: B-
This D-line has been run over for the 3rd straight week. Marshal had the ball for nearly 10 more minutes than Tennessee. The Vols only managed one possession in the 3rd quarter. This is large in part to Marshal's ability to run the football. Linebackers played well but missed some tackles. The secondary also did well but when a team only attempts 14 passes it's kind of hard not to.
Special Teams: A+
James Wilhoit has been phenomenal. He had made 11 straight field goals until he missed one from 42 yards Saturday night. He later nailed one from 49. He has been on fire on kickoffs. He has had 3 touchbacks per game this season and Saturday he ran down the field and made a non-touchdown saving tackle. He has stepped it up this season. Punter Britton Colquitt averaged 56 yards on 3 punts and all were downed inside the 10 yard line.
Coaching: C
I think David Cutcliffe has improved a lot in his play calling but at times it looks like the same crap that he did for years at UT. To many screen passes and he abandoned the run for awhile. You have to run in the SEC. If you can’t run you will not win. They are going to have to get creative in the run game. This line is not good enough to just line up and run over anyone. I was pleased with the play action call on third down for a touchdown. I wouldn’t have made that call but I am glad he did.
Offense: C+
The offensive line just isn't getting the job done the last two games. With the exception of LaMarcus Coker's 89 yard TD run the run (which came at the beginning of the 4th quarter)blocking was near nonexistent. The Vols only rushed for 36 yards during the first 3 quarters. The pass blocking was pretty good although Ainge was sacked twice. The receivers and the improved play from Eric Ainge are the bright spots. Ainge appears to be more confident each game and is making better decisions(with the exception of that sack he took in the second half where he should thrown the ball away). The receivers are playing well but it does concern me that I don't hear many names called other than Jason Swain (Sr.), Brett Smith (Sr.) and Robert Meachem (Jr.). Who will catch the ball if and when these guys get hurt and Graduate next year?
Defense: B-
This D-line has been run over for the 3rd straight week. Marshal had the ball for nearly 10 more minutes than Tennessee. The Vols only managed one possession in the 3rd quarter. This is large in part to Marshal's ability to run the football. Linebackers played well but missed some tackles. The secondary also did well but when a team only attempts 14 passes it's kind of hard not to.
Special Teams: A+
James Wilhoit has been phenomenal. He had made 11 straight field goals until he missed one from 42 yards Saturday night. He later nailed one from 49. He has been on fire on kickoffs. He has had 3 touchbacks per game this season and Saturday he ran down the field and made a non-touchdown saving tackle. He has stepped it up this season. Punter Britton Colquitt averaged 56 yards on 3 punts and all were downed inside the 10 yard line.
Coaching: C
I think David Cutcliffe has improved a lot in his play calling but at times it looks like the same crap that he did for years at UT. To many screen passes and he abandoned the run for awhile. You have to run in the SEC. If you can’t run you will not win. They are going to have to get creative in the run game. This line is not good enough to just line up and run over anyone. I was pleased with the play action call on third down for a touchdown. I wouldn’t have made that call but I am glad he did.
Friday, September 22, 2006
$200 shoes for under 15 bucks
NBA star Stephon Marbury has teamed up with Steve & Barry's to create a shoe and clothing line where everything is under 15 dollars. That's right folks you heard me everything for under 15 bucks. His line includes leather jackets for $10, hats, hoodies, jeans and jean jackets and a variety of sneakers. Here is the really impressive part. Unlike other stars like Shaq who have endorsed low cost basketball shows(shaqs shoes run about $40). Marbury will actually where his on the court. "My first home game I'm going to go to the store and pick up a pair of shoes and bring them to the (Madison Square) Garden and lace them up and play in them,". I'm kind of wondering if he using semantics here and we will never see him where them after the first game. This way he can say that he did where them in a game and everyone will see them on SportsCenter that night. I do give him props for doing this. He could make a lot more money by endorsing shoes that cost 10 times as much. So, I take him at his word. "Everything we're doing is motivated by us, just being a group of people who feel it's time for change."There just happens to be a Steve and Barry's at Hickory Hollow Mall in Antioch. You may not have heard of them because they cut costs by doing no advertising, relying heavily on word of mouth. I have been to the one in Antioch and I was impress by the quality of merchandise they have considering the low price.
Last Day of Vacation
I had been on six day sometimes seven day work weeks for more than 2 months so I was really due for a vacation. I can't remember the last we were fully staffed. I'm sure theres probably a resignation on my desk right now but I'll worry about that on Monday. Because today I'm still on vacation. I didn't really go anywhere or even do much this week. I just needed not to be at work. I like my job and everything. It's just that unlike most managers when my department is short handed (and we have been short a lot over the past year) I can't just schedule everyone else overtime. I also have to come in and do it myself. Luckily for me I'm not salary, so I get paid extra to do it. Then why am I bitching. All that extra money would make most people happy. Truthfully, I would rather give up the money and be at home with my family. I'd rather be less tired and have less stress so that I can enjoy the time I do spend with them. That was even the case when I was broke and working three jobs.
So, Monday it's back to the grind. If history is any indication someone will tick me off and bring back 50% of my stress within 3 hours. I owe, I owe so it's off to work I go!
So, Monday it's back to the grind. If history is any indication someone will tick me off and bring back 50% of my stress within 3 hours. I owe, I owe so it's off to work I go!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Attempted Booty Assault??
I had to go to court today for some burglaries problems that have plagued me this year. This case before me was one of the strangest things I have ever heard. The witness said that she was at a local restaurant and she noticed this man come in alone and sit down. No big deal. Then she noticed that he kept on reaching behind him towards the buttocks of the woman sitting behind him. She didn't know why. She stated that he tried 3 times to touch the butt of the women behind him. She gets up and goes and asked the lady if she knew the gentleman. She replied no. She then proceeds to tell the guy that she knows what he is doing and she is going to get the manager and call the police. The guy gets up and runs out. The two women give chase and write down his plate number.
Now the man never did actually touch the women and she wouldn't have known anything if the witness hadn't said anything. The case was bound over to the grand jury but I couldn't hear what the charge was. So, when I saw the guy outside I had to ask him. "Dude what did they charge you with attempted illegal touching of the booty". He said he didn't know and he doesn't understand what he did wrong.
Granted running away doesn't make him look so innocent but what the hell did he do illegal? What proof beside one nosey yuppie do they have. This case is a colossal waste of the courts time and I don't know why they are pursuing this. All the guy has to say is I didn't do it and I ran because I was scared and confused. He had a thick mid eastern accent so he can play up on the not understanding part. I just don't understand what crime this lady thought he was about to commit. If he had touched her it isn't like he could have gotten away with it. She would have felt it. I don't think he was a pick pocket. Women don't usually store there wallets in their back pocket. I would love to find out what happens in this case. I'll let you know if I do.
Now the man never did actually touch the women and she wouldn't have known anything if the witness hadn't said anything. The case was bound over to the grand jury but I couldn't hear what the charge was. So, when I saw the guy outside I had to ask him. "Dude what did they charge you with attempted illegal touching of the booty". He said he didn't know and he doesn't understand what he did wrong.
Granted running away doesn't make him look so innocent but what the hell did he do illegal? What proof beside one nosey yuppie do they have. This case is a colossal waste of the courts time and I don't know why they are pursuing this. All the guy has to say is I didn't do it and I ran because I was scared and confused. He had a thick mid eastern accent so he can play up on the not understanding part. I just don't understand what crime this lady thought he was about to commit. If he had touched her it isn't like he could have gotten away with it. She would have felt it. I don't think he was a pick pocket. Women don't usually store there wallets in their back pocket. I would love to find out what happens in this case. I'll let you know if I do.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Pope's words prompt true colors yet again
Have you noticed that when ever something happens to tick off muslims they turn to violence. Remember last year when cartoons of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad published in a Danish newspaper sparked violent protest. Here they are: http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=21127. You don't see christians killing people over episodes of South Park.
Now churches are being burned and a nun was killed over remarks made by Pope Benedict XVI. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/14848884/ If they are so concerned about their image why don't do something to change it. Starting with not killing nuns over what the Pope said. For god's sake it was a nun. Who has any nun ever hurt. Well beside catholic school boys and I'm sure they had it coming.
The really scary thing is that it is being done in the name of religion. This is why they are impossible to stop. I guess if I had been brain washed into thinking I would go to heaven and get ninety two virgins I'd blow myself up too.
The fact is these are violent people. For some reason they think they have the right to kill innocent people at a whim. They are elitist. No race is as good as theirs and other religions aren't worthy to live. "Kill the infidels" I can think of no other religion that is this radical. That includes those screwy Scientologist. When you hear about them sending young boys into mine fields to check for explosives. It sure makes the Catholic priest molestation thing seem a little a lot smaller by comparison doesn't it. Hmm 10 minutes in Father Mikes office or blown to bits and then finding out you don't get paradise or virgins.
Now churches are being burned and a nun was killed over remarks made by Pope Benedict XVI. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/14848884/ If they are so concerned about their image why don't do something to change it. Starting with not killing nuns over what the Pope said. For god's sake it was a nun. Who has any nun ever hurt. Well beside catholic school boys and I'm sure they had it coming.
The really scary thing is that it is being done in the name of religion. This is why they are impossible to stop. I guess if I had been brain washed into thinking I would go to heaven and get ninety two virgins I'd blow myself up too.
The fact is these are violent people. For some reason they think they have the right to kill innocent people at a whim. They are elitist. No race is as good as theirs and other religions aren't worthy to live. "Kill the infidels" I can think of no other religion that is this radical. That includes those screwy Scientologist. When you hear about them sending young boys into mine fields to check for explosives. It sure makes the Catholic priest molestation thing seem a little a lot smaller by comparison doesn't it. Hmm 10 minutes in Father Mikes office or blown to bits and then finding out you don't get paradise or virgins.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Man rejects first Penis Transplant
Chinese surgeons have performed the world's first penis transplant on a 44 year old man who was left with a 1cm-long stump after an accident. He was unable to urinate or have sexual intercourse. Doctors spent 15 hours attaching a 10cm penis (10cm could the stereotype be true) after the parents of a brain dead man agreed to donate their son's organ. Although the operation was a surgical success, surgeons said they had to remove the penis two weeks later. "Because of a severe psychological problem of the recipient and his wife, the transplanted penis regretfully had to be cut off," Dr Hu said. An examination of the organ showed no signs of it being rejected by the body.
I hate the Gators but I had fun
I have been following the Vols since I was a child. My father got me into it at a young age. Every since I can remember I have taken a lot of crap from Gator fans in our stadium. For three plus hours ever couple of years it's the chomp and smack talking. I hate those guys. Every time I go to this game Tennessee gets beat down. I mean a royal butt kicking. It has gotten to the point where I don't even like going to that game at all. If you check the history between the two programs and see every time Tennessee has gotten beat really bad I was there. With the exception of this past Saturday. For the first time I can remember I saw us take the lead with me in the stadium. Although we lost and it sucks to lose to those guys again it was one of the best times I can recall at a Tennessee game. My girlfriend and I had a great time. With the exception of the last 5 minutes. I actually let go a little. Ok, I let go a lot. She couldn't believe what she was seeing when I screamed with elation when Tennessee intercepted a pass for a touchdown(it was called back on ticky tack roughing call). I really felt like part of the game. When they had the ball I wanted them to hear me and not be able to check off. Maybe one day I'll get to see my Vols beat Florida in person.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Another excuse not to exercise
There is a study in the journal Archives of Ophthalmology that reports that lifting weights might lead to an increase risk of glaucoma. Which by the way is the leading cause of blindness in the US. Lifting weights temporarily increases pressure within the eyes which could lead to a higher risk of normal pressure glaucoma. Past studies have suggested that people who play certain wind instruments or do things that strain their breath in certain ways also have a greater risk for NPG.
I'm not saying there isn't any validity to this but it does give people another excuse not to weight train. There are studies that show that weight training is an important part of an exercise program. Even for people who would be considered elderly. I guess I'm going to be blind because I have been lifting heavy for along time now. If you ain't straining you ain't training.
I'm not saying there isn't any validity to this but it does give people another excuse not to weight train. There are studies that show that weight training is an important part of an exercise program. Even for people who would be considered elderly. I guess I'm going to be blind because I have been lifting heavy for along time now. If you ain't straining you ain't training.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Where were you: 9-11-01
Today of course is the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. So, I was talking to my girlfriend this morning about where we both were when it happen. You hear people talk about these things all the time about where they were when they found out about Kennedy or where they were during the first space shuttle accident. 9/11 is just that kind of historic event. Funny thing is I don't remember a lot more than that about that day. I was up early watching Good Morning America. I assume that I had gotten up with my son for school but I couldn't have taken my daughter to preschool or I wouldn't have been home. Well, they were interviewing a witness who said that it didn't look like an accident to her. The anchors replied "what do you mean you don't think it was an accident". As she started to explain I remember seeing something quickly flash through the camera lens. They had a tight shot of the first tower and remember thinking it was a shadow. Then the witness screamed "oh my god another plane hit the other tower". This made me stand up and say out loud "oh &*$%^@ we are under attack. I was glued to the tube for a while then I had to leave to do something but I don't remember what it was. On my way back home I turned on talk radio to see if there were any updates and a voice said it looks like the second tower is about to fall. I thought second tower what happen to the first one. I was about a 3 blocks from my house and I burned rubber trying to get home in time. It fell as I parked the car and I got in just in time to see the last bit hit the ground. I never thought for a moment that either would collapse. I probably wouldn't have left if I had. Not that I take pleasure in seeing people die but I have worked in news for along time and I know when I'm seeing something historic.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The not so Frozen Tundra
I leave early tomorrow morning for Green Bay for the Titans pre-season game. It's a business trip but I can't help be a little excited about seeing the legendary Lambeua Field in person. It won't be frozen tundra but what true football fan wouldn't relish the opportunity to be on the sidelines of Lambeua during a game no less. I'm sure plenty of the fans in the stands would be envious. Hopefully the Titans will give us all something to cheer about but from what I've seen so far I doubt it
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Snakes in a Theater
I cut this from a news script at work.
Ok, nobody was hurt so that makes this really funny.
Ok, nobody was hurt so that makes this really funny.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
LV On Sports: Reggie White Hall of Fame

It was nice to see Reggie White get some much deserved recognition. White along with Warren Moon, Troy Aikman, Harry Carson, John Madden and Rayfield Wright were recently inducted to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. I followed White's career from his days at Tennessee. He was like no player I had ever seen. A player of that size, speed and strength with the best technique the game had ever seen. I hate that Reggie never got to experience the post career accolades that he more than earned. He did live to see himself inducted to the College Football Hall of fame in 2002 and to see his number retired by the Packers in 1999. White recorded 32 sacks during his 4 years with the vols. 15 of those coming in his senior year. I know that there was a moratorium on retiring jerseys at UT for awhile but why did it take so long for Tennessee to honor him? Also, why couldn't Peyton Manning's jersey retirement be pushed back a year. I think it was an insult to have Mannings jersey retired the same year as White's after Reggie had to wait for so long. Manning already had a street named after him and so does Tee Martin which I never understood. Manning never won a National championship. Tee Martin did win one but it was far from a mvp season. Matter of fact half of that year they won despite him not because of him. That street should have been Al Wilson/Peerless Price/ Dewayne Goodrich/ Jeff Hall/ Travis Henry/ Travis Stephens Road because these guys plus a few more are the ones who really got the job done. Where is Reggie's street? In my opinion Reggie White is the best player to come out of the University of Tennessee. That's right all you Manningacs. Reggie had two solo mvp seasons and a Super Bowl victory. Manning hasn't even made to one yet and that door is closing fast. Don't get me wrong. I am a big Manning fan. When the Colts play the Titans I root for the Titans to win but for Peyton to look good in defeat. I just wish that the University of Tennessee had done more for Reggie while he was still alive. A former player shouldn't have to give money to his alma mater to get the recognition that he deserves.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Lunch Money

Back to school is full of emotions. Happy to see old friends. Sad at the prospect of school work or getting up early. Never thought sticker shock would be one of them. My kids usually eat lunch at school. I'm a single parent with a full time job that often requires me to work late. So, I don't have time to worry about preparing lunch. This can get expensive. This year more than ever. My son goes to high school. His lunch went from $1.75 to $2.25. My two daughters elementary school lunch went from $1.65 to $2.00. That's insane! It's gone up before but usually like 10 to 15 cent and I wasn't happy then. That's a buck forty more per day, 7 more per week and between 28 and 35 dollars a month. Not only did the lunches go up but at my daughters school they have done away with charging. So, if I forget to buy them lunch tickets they will be fed peanut butter or cheese crackers with milk or juice to drink. Where in the past they would eat lunch and I would repay the school the next day. Many times when they didn't have tickets it was an accounting error by the school.Where is this money going? Didn't we just have a budget surplus? Why can't some of this money go directly to school districts to help with things like this and school supplies. The supply list get longer every year and they ask for more after Christmas. How about the "education lottery"? Why does all that money have to go to scholarships? Why can't we improve our public schools as well?
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
U rid'em U wreck'm
I had friend tell me once there are only two types of people who ride motorcycles"those who have wrecked and those who will wreck". After last night I am now officially in the "have" category. As I pulled onto Nolensville road last night from 440 I felt my bike start to go as I leaned into my turn. I tried to straighten back up but bike started fish tailing out of control and threw me across the road. I got up a little disoriented. I stumbled to my bike and picked it up. Another motorist stopped to see if I was ok but my concern was to get on my bike and get back to work. I was on my dinner break and was running a little late getting back. I hope I wasn't rude to him but I was a little out of it at the time. I got back to work, finished my shift and got my bike home. My girlfriend insisted following me home since my break controls were a little damaged from the accident.
At this point my hip, back and elbow(the same elbow that I'm still having bursitis trouble with) were really hurting. So, I decide to go to the hospital to get checked out. You never know. Something could be wrong. Two hours and about 10 X-rays later I'm on my way home. No broken bones. Just soreness and a little swelling. I guess I'm pretty lucky. Especially since it appears I put a dent in my gas tank with my elbow.
Incase you were wondering. Yes, I will get my bike repaired and ride again.
At this point my hip, back and elbow(the same elbow that I'm still having bursitis trouble with) were really hurting. So, I decide to go to the hospital to get checked out. You never know. Something could be wrong. Two hours and about 10 X-rays later I'm on my way home. No broken bones. Just soreness and a little swelling. I guess I'm pretty lucky. Especially since it appears I put a dent in my gas tank with my elbow.
Incase you were wondering. Yes, I will get my bike repaired and ride again.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Glorified Sale?

In case you missed it this weekend August 4-6 is a sales tax holiday in Tennessee. It's the state's way of giving residents a tax rebate from last years budget surplus. Is it just me or does this have the potential for corruption? I did a post last month about how often I see stores mark up prices before a sale. Could the same happen here? Or is it possible that merchants may cancel sales in order to make more money on a weekend that they know sales will be up? I'm sure plenty of stores will have legitimate sales to entice shoppers into their stores but I also expect plenty of scams.
The holiday is timed so that it falls during back to schools shopping but what about those who don't have kids? How do they get there share of the surplus? Now, I do have kids and I will do some shopping this weekend but it has more to do with necessity than a sales tax holiday. The sales tax in Davidson Co. where I live is 9.25%. That means I'll save less than a dime on that $1.00 box of crayons. If there is a budget surplus. How about you cut me a check for my portion or possibly lower my property taxes. It's kind of like those scams where you have to send them money to get your sweepstakes winnings. In order to get my rebate I have to spend more money. Doesn't seem like much of a rebate to me.
For more on the tax holiday:
Getting Back on Track
I think I'm finally coming out of my funk. I got a good nights sleep last night and went to the gym this morning after a month layoff. Not a bad day. I was of course weak and fatigued (is it an accident that the first 3 letters of fatigue spell fat) but I expected a lot worse. Now here comes the pain. The dreaded DOMS(delayed onset muscle soreness). I did take it a little easy today. Years of working out has taught me to ease back into it. A little goes a long way when coming off a layoff. Your muscles are more easily stressed there for it takes less work to break them down. If I can stay on track for at least a month. I'll be back to old form. This won't be easy. We are still short handed at work which means a lot of overtime and I will remain on nights for a while. Which wouldn't be a bad thing except school is about to start and my work load will be higher and my hours of sleep will be lower.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Rapping Granny not just a Novelty

I've been watching some of this new show on NBC called America's got Talent. It's from the makers of American Idol and is hosted by Regis Phibin. The three celebrity judges are Brandy, David Hasselhoff and some British guy I don't know. Either all British men are wise guys or this guy is doing his best Simon Cowell. Anyway there was this elderly lady who raps. She picked it up from her grandchildren and she is really good. She just made it through the semi-finals. I have listened to rap since I was a small child and I was very impressed. It is one thing to rhyme it is a totally different thing to rap and she raps! Here is a clip from her first performance and it doesn't do her second one justice. She was much better this week.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Those Crazy Kids
Kids do the most amazing things. If only we all could mature but still keep some of that innocents. I have three kids 16,8 and 9. The two youngest are girls. They of course do all usual kids things. Ride bikes, play with dolls, catch lightning bugs but there is one thing they do that amazes me. There is a Hispanic girl down the block that they play with daily. No that's not the amazing part. The amazing part is that she doesn't speak english. You wouldn't know it by the way the interact. I asked them "how do you play if she can't understand you". They replied "we pick simple words that she can understand". I'm not sure I would have that kind of patients but everyday she knocks on the door and in simple english says my youngest daughters name. Then they go out to play. They even spent the night last week. They had a ball. No marches, no protest, no immigration just three friends having fun.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
LV on Sports: Chris Brown

The fact is Chris needs the help. He is soft and he can't stay healthy. For my money "cheese" (Travis Henry) is the best back on the team. I've watched him since the glory days at UT and he is the man. If you bring some weak arm tackle to him you are going to get embarrassed.
I say let him go! I think the Titans will just fine with Henry, White and Payton . I have heard that even in victory Brown would still hang his head in the locker room after the game if he didn't get his numbers. You don't need a guy like that on rebuilding team. This team is never going to get back on track of players like Brown don't check their ego.
For more info:http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060722/SPORTS01/607220354/1328/SPORTS
Friday, July 21, 2006
They're Both Terrorist
I've been following this situation in the mid-east and I think it is despicable. I understand that Hezbollah is a terrorist group and you have to deal with these guys firmly. What makes both sides terrorist is the loss of innocent life. The fact that innocent people have to live in fear for their lives in bunkers and how many of them have to leave their homes or the country. Israel has come out said that they don't want to kill innocent people but they will if they have too. Thanks for your concern Israel!
How cowardly is it that Hezbollah hides among the population. Using these innocent people as shields. Give Israel what they want or get your butts out there and fight like men. Don't hide behind civilians. The Lebanese government is acting like they're victims in all this. I don't see it that way. They're harboring these people. They allow them to exist and maintain a level of control. Expel them and protect your people. I'm telling you force begets force and everyone is picking sides and this thing may end up making Iraq look a block party before it is over.
How cowardly is it that Hezbollah hides among the population. Using these innocent people as shields. Give Israel what they want or get your butts out there and fight like men. Don't hide behind civilians. The Lebanese government is acting like they're victims in all this. I don't see it that way. They're harboring these people. They allow them to exist and maintain a level of control. Expel them and protect your people. I'm telling you force begets force and everyone is picking sides and this thing may end up making Iraq look a block party before it is over.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Is This a Woman Thing
My girlfriend moved in about 3 weeks ago and I'm pretty happy about the way things are going. I'm a single father of three and she loves my kids like they were her own. However, there are of course some woman things that bother a guy who has lived alone with his kids for a number of years. Question number one. Where do I put my clothes? I cleaned out half of my dresser and all of the big closet. I moved some winter things into storage and put some of my tshirts into under bed storage bags. I figure we will sort out closet space once she moves in.
So, we move her in and the next day she goes her annual family 4th of July vacation with her family. I had to work. So, I go the closet to get the iron and to my surprise my closet is filled end to end with her clothes. Not enough space for me to put a belt. So, I ask her about this. Me: " I notice you filled the closet with your clothes." Her: "I thought you cleared out that closet for me." Me: "Where are my clothes supposed to go." Her: I thought you put all your things in the other closet." Now the other closet has shelves for storage in it with a small space (about 1/10 the space of the other) where clothes might go. So, for those scoring at home she has the big closet, half of my dresser and her whole dresser that she brought with her. I have half my dresser and small amount of closet space in the storage closet. Is this a woman thing?
Question two: "Honey do you know where my ____ is". Of course she knows because she is the one that moved it. I get it she is Miss Organization. She has organized things so much I'm afraid one of the kids might end up in box somewhere in the attic. Is it a female rule that things don't have a home until they give it one. Don't get me wrong I love my girlfriend but she is a chronic stuff mover. She says I lay things down everywhere. No, I lay things down where I want them and where I expect them to be when I look for them later. I would like to apologies to father for thinking he was crazy when I was a kid. He would complain non-stop about things being moved. I would think dude get over it. Now, I understand.
So, we move her in and the next day she goes her annual family 4th of July vacation with her family. I had to work. So, I go the closet to get the iron and to my surprise my closet is filled end to end with her clothes. Not enough space for me to put a belt. So, I ask her about this. Me: " I notice you filled the closet with your clothes." Her: "I thought you cleared out that closet for me." Me: "Where are my clothes supposed to go." Her: I thought you put all your things in the other closet." Now the other closet has shelves for storage in it with a small space (about 1/10 the space of the other) where clothes might go. So, for those scoring at home she has the big closet, half of my dresser and her whole dresser that she brought with her. I have half my dresser and small amount of closet space in the storage closet. Is this a woman thing?
Question two: "Honey do you know where my ____ is". Of course she knows because she is the one that moved it. I get it she is Miss Organization. She has organized things so much I'm afraid one of the kids might end up in box somewhere in the attic. Is it a female rule that things don't have a home until they give it one. Don't get me wrong I love my girlfriend but she is a chronic stuff mover. She says I lay things down everywhere. No, I lay things down where I want them and where I expect them to be when I look for them later. I would like to apologies to father for thinking he was crazy when I was a kid. He would complain non-stop about things being moved. I would think dude get over it. Now, I understand.
Do they think we're stupid
I went to Opry Mills mall this past weekend with my girlfriend. We stopped in at Wilson's Leather. I thought maybe there might be a good deal on motorcycle jackets. It being summer and all. Sure enough the sales guys meets us at the door telling us all the great sales that day. So, I proceed through the store looking at the jackets and I find a rack on sale for 99 bucks. Great right! No, these are the same jackets that were priced 99 dollars months ago when I was there but now it's a huge sale. I'm a window shopper. I will eye something for months before I buy it. So, I know when some store is trying to pull something like this. The same thing happens at this home decor place in Hickory Hollow Mall. They continuously double their prices then mark 70% off for a sale. I wonder how many times I fall for this in stores I don't frequent. I bet it happens to most of us all the time.
Buyer B ware
Buyer B ware
In a Funk
I can't seem to break myself out of it. All I want to do lately is sleep. I have only been to the gym once in the past 3 weeks. Used to no matter what was going in my life I would make time for the gym no matter what. There have been circumstances that haven't helped. I have been sick. Not bad sick just a sore throat mostly but I don't seem to be able to shake it. I'm still battling a case of bursitis. Which was extremely bad last week but in the past I would have ignored it and went on. I'm to lazy to even get myself up and go to the doctor to get this stuff fixed.
I feel so drained when I have to work nights and get up early to get the kids to school. Thank goodness this is the last week of summer school. I get home from taking my son to school and I sit down or lay down and the next thing I know there is no time to get my daughters ready to go because I have to pick him up at 12. Then it's off to work. I have had some repair men by lately but I should be planning around that. Same goes for working extra hours at work. Next week I have to get myself out of this. I could go to sleep right now.
I think I just might.
I feel so drained when I have to work nights and get up early to get the kids to school. Thank goodness this is the last week of summer school. I get home from taking my son to school and I sit down or lay down and the next thing I know there is no time to get my daughters ready to go because I have to pick him up at 12. Then it's off to work. I have had some repair men by lately but I should be planning around that. Same goes for working extra hours at work. Next week I have to get myself out of this. I could go to sleep right now.
I think I just might.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Surviving the Heat
On really hot days like today I think we all appreciate the invention of the air conditioner. Today just so happens to be the 104th birthday of this marvel. On July 17, 1902 Willis Carrier invented the air conditioner. I don't think many appreciate this as much as I do right now. Having spent the better part of three days without air last week. I have the up most respect for Mr. Carrier's invention. Thanks to the guys at Donelson Air I'm in the cool zone again. Even better they gave me the $1500 upgraded Train model at no extra charge because they couldn't get the model I chose. Weather man says it will get close to 100 today. Not a problem!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Sex Addict?

What kind of defense is this? I had sex with and am still trying to have sex with a teenage boy because I'm a sex addict. Sex addiction makes you want sex all the time with anyone you can find. Not one person in particular. She is a very pretty girl and if this were the problem she could have guys lining up taking numbers. (Now serving #365. Bob you again you were just here this morning). She could be a porn star or prostitute. At least then her addiction would provide some income.
No Miss Rogers you are not a sex addict. You are a child predator nothing more. The other thing that gets me is that she got a second chance. How many guys do you think would have gotten a second chance. I guarantee if that were me I wouldn't have seen the outside of prison until my children were grown. Why is there double standard when comes to things like this? And, what the hell is wrong with teachers today. When I was a kid there was a rumor about one teacher maybe fooling around with students. One and nobody new for sure or who with. It was a English teacher. Of course that is the teacher you wanted if you were a boy. Hell, if she likes me I might get laid and a grade. However, teacher didn't look like Pamela Rodgers when I was a kid.
Check out the video:
More info pictures and video:
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Hey Titans fans!

Just in case you didn't know it single game tickets go on sale Saturday 7-15-06. I haven't heard any sports reports on this yet but I'm sure we'll see the usual people camped outside of LP Field like every year. As well as ticket giveaways at Kroger. Let's hope this years team is worth watching. Last year became painful. For more info: http://titansonline.com/stadium/tickets/index.php
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Class Act

Kudos to the people of Cheatham Co.. Sgt. Kevin Downs was nearly killed last August by a roadside bomb in Iraq. Downs was the only one to survive the attack but not without a price. He has burns on 60% of his body. He also lost both legs and the use of one of his arms. The people of Cheatham Co. have banned together to do what ever they can for him. They have set up a fund in his name, built a wheelchair ramp at his home and Tuesday 7-11-06 they gave him a heroes welcome home. He was greeted at the airport by family and well wishers. He also had a motorcade escort home where hundreds of neighbors lined the streets.
So, good job to the people of Kingston Springs and Cheatham Co. for supporting one of our nations finest. Welcome home Sgt. Downs and get well soon!
Check out the video.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Not like Mike!

The television station's Web site says Allen Heckard filed the suit against His Airness and Nike founder Phil Knight on June 29 in county court, claiming to have been mistaken for the basketball legend nearly every day for the past 15 years.
Courtesy KGW.com
And he's tired of it.
"I'm constantly being accused of looking like Michael and it makes it very uncomfortable for me," Heckard reportedly said.
Heckard apparently is suing Jordan for defamation and permanent injury, emotional pain and suffering. He is suing Knight for defamation and permanent injury for promoting Jordan and making him one of the world's most famous athletes.
Heckard, who stands slightly taller than 6 feet, says many people miss the fact that he is roughly six inches shorter than Jordan.
But Heckard bears a physical resemblance to Jordan because he has a shaved head, an earring in his left ear, and is in good physical shape — from playing basketball.
"Even when I go to the gym I'm being accused of playing ball like him (Jordan)," Heckard said.
Wouldn't most people consider that a compliment?
"Yes, don't get me wrong it's definitely a positive thing, because Michael, like I say is one of the best ball players that I've known to play the game. But then again, that's Michael and I'm me. So I want to be recognized as me just like Michael's being recognized as Michael."
The television station apparently caught Heckard wearing blue Air Jordan tennis shoes.
Is Heckard trying to look like Jordan?
"They're very comfortable shoes to play ball in," said Heckard. "I play a lot of basketball and any other shoes I try to play in tend to hurt the bottom of my feet."
What made Heckard decide to file suit against Jordan and Knight for $416 million each?
"Well, you figure with my age and you multiply that times seven and then I turn around and I figure that's what it all boils down to."
This guy looks as much like Mike as Roseanne looks like Beyonce. Heres more video.http://www.groundhog.tv/apps/editor/staticplayer.jsp?clip=1152304606193.wmv
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Movie Review

Went to the movies this weekend and saw Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. First let me say that I love action/adventure movies and anything remotely SciFi. So, true to form I like this one. Not as much as the first one but a good film none the less. The only knocks I can give it are that it is too long 155 minutes with nearly half that set up. Also it was kind of predictable. However, when you watch as many of these type movies as I do you can see most things coming. Capt. Jack, Will, Elizibeth and most of the gang from Curse of the Black Pearl are back for this first of 2 sequels. I have read that the original vision was so big that they had to cut it up into 2 movies to be filmed back to back similar to The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings. The film is of course loaded with lots action and great special effects. Although it has a bit of violence I believe it is clean enough to take the kids. Be on time for this one because the theatre I went to didn't show any movie trailers. I would expect this is due to the length of this movie. For those of you (like me) who like stick around until after the credit to see that special scene. Don't waste your time. The credits feel like they' re almost as long as the movie itself and the scene is nothing special. As a matter of fact I'll tell what it is so you wont have to stay. If you don't want to know stop reading now.
2 Thumbs Up!

It shows the dog that was left on the island sitting on the throne being worshipped by the cannibals. Enjoy the film.
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