The Micheal Richards video was very disappointing to me. I must admit I am a fan of the Seinfeld show and Richards. Hearing him took me back to another time in my life. A time when I didn't always take white guys at face value. A time when white guys had to really earn my trust. I draw these parallels because when someone loses it like that it gives us a glimpse into their real heart. Not the face that they choose to show us everyday. When I was a younger man in my late teens early twenties there were a couple situations that struck me the same way. One was a situation where I heard a white guy I knew saying unflattering things about black people when I was on the phone with his sister. He never knew that the person on the other end was black. Another was the first time I was ever called a nigger to my face. This was by a guy I didn't know well but still never thought he had it in him. Especially when it was unprovoked.I have of course have grown up since then and have different views. I don't have that immediate distrust but there is of course caution around those who fit the build of a racist. Those are the people I can deal with. A good ole rebel flag waving redneck with a white sheet in the back is easy to pin point. It's those like Richards that scare me. The ones that you can't pick out of crowd. No I'm not saying that all redneck rebel flag waivers are racist. I went to college with a guy just like that and he was one of the coolest guys I ever met. Even invited me home with him. I didn't go but not for distrust of him. I didn't trust all the rednecks in his home town that I didn't know.
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is so. Only a racist would say something like that. He wasn't drunk or high he was being his true self. He let his guard down long enough to let the real Micheal show through. By contrast to most I don't feel he owes the whole world an apology. He doesn't owe me one. He owes it to the people to which the comments were directed to. As well as the other people in the audience that he offended. So, all these comics that are trying to get face time by coming to the defense of black people need to stop. Get some publicity some where else. Damn opportunist.
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