Have you noticed that when ever something happens to tick off muslims they turn to violence. Remember last year when cartoons of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad published in a Danish newspaper sparked violent protest. Here they are: http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=21127. You don't see christians killing people over episodes of South Park.
Now churches are being burned and a nun was killed over remarks made by Pope Benedict XVI. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/14848884/ If they are so concerned about their image why don't do something to change it. Starting with not killing nuns over what the Pope said. For god's sake it was a nun. Who has any nun ever hurt. Well beside catholic school boys and I'm sure they had it coming.
The really scary thing is that it is being done in the name of religion. This is why they are impossible to stop. I guess if I had been brain washed into thinking I would go to heaven and get ninety two virgins I'd blow myself up too.
The fact is these are violent people. For some reason they think they have the right to kill innocent people at a whim. They are elitist. No race is as good as theirs and other religions aren't worthy to live. "Kill the infidels" I can think of no other religion that is this radical. That includes those screwy Scientologist. When you hear about them sending young boys into mine fields to check for explosives. It sure makes the Catholic priest molestation thing seem a little a lot smaller by comparison doesn't it. Hmm 10 minutes in Father Mikes office or blown to bits and then finding out you don't get paradise or virgins.

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