There is an immigration story that I have seen on couple of stations lately about an immigrant from El Salvador named Claudia Nunez. She has been living in this country illegally since 2001. When she failed to renewed a tourist visa. (Tourist visa damn she hasn't seen enough in 5 years.) She faces deportation because she was caught driving illegally and held under the 287(g) immigration program. Which means as soon as someone is booked sheriff's deputies will check an immigration database and individuals who are in the country illegally will be held until an immigration judge decides what to do. Her husband and two children are legal.
The news reports tried to make their viewers feel sorry for this poor victim."I think there is no day I am not crying," Nunez said. "I cry every day. I'm scared. What happened, I don't know."
"I want to stay here but I am just waiting."
I'm not without a heart and I do feel sorry for her two kids but that doesn't change the fact that this woman shouldn't be in this country. She had every chance over the past 5 years to do the right thing so that she could stay but she chose not to. Now we are supposed to feel sorry for her! You will have to pardon me if I seem cold but I don't. Tell it to the guy who got ran over on his motorcycle by an illegal back in August. Or the family that was murdered by one in South Nashville a few months ago. Stick to facts and leave the sentiment out of it.
I don't have a problem with any race but I do have a problem with illegal immigrants. No matter what country they are from. I support this 287(g) as long as they check everyone. Not just the hispanics or anyone with an accent. If they don't then this is just racial profiling.
The bottom line is keep your status legal and you and your family don't have worry about it. Don't and be prepared to be thrown out on your ass.

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The views of Lewis are his own and do not express the views of his employer or any other organization that he may be affiliated with.
Lew, she didn't run over the guy on his motorcycle or kill a family in South Nashville. Why should she bear the burden of someone else's guilt?
Should you be judged because Pacman Jones spit in a girls face, or because some other guy shot a cop and led the cops on a chase halfway across the state?
Judging individuals based on the actions of other members of their particular race or country of origin, although fun, isn't exactly fair. Is it?
First of all, nobody I know thinks that she (Claudia) gets a free pass. She made a mistake. She should be fined, and perhaps severely.
What we believe should be taken into account is that she does have two children who ARE American citizens and if she is deported she probably will be separated from her family.
Why wouldn't she take the kids with her? Well, maybe it's because she doesn't want her children to see their mom getting raped, robbed, and perhaps murdered.
El Salvador ain't Mexico, and it is a country where gangs have the run of the place.
It's easy to want to paint all these cases with a broad brush, but sometimes there is more than one way to carry out justice.
I would hope that our immigration agents and judges have some discretion and mercy based on individual cases.
It's not so easy when you see this problem in terms of specific people, as opposed to some mass of folks called illegal immigrants.
I completely agree that she should be judge by the actions of other members of her race. The examples I gave could have been African or Russian it wouldn't matter to me. It's not about race. It's about her status and her lack of regard for this nations laws. She came here on a tourist visa then stayed illegally and had children probably thinking if she got caught that they would let her stay because of that. 5 years is enough time to become legal.
I think we run the risk of copy cats if we start cutting breaks. People will start manipulating their situation to match others that have caught breaks.
Yes, El Salvador sucks and I can understand why she wants to be here but she and all other illegals have to start playing by the rules.
Actually, she didn't have 5 years to become legal. For a short period of time, early in her stay, she could have (and should have) applied for an extension to her visa based on the way that El Salvador was classified at the time. For whatever reason, the Bush folks decided that El Salvador was no longer a threat, and changed the 'refugee' status of folks from El Sal. despite the fact that the gangs largely run the place down there.
I believe there has to be a middle ground including some form of monetary punishment, depending on what country you left.
Bring us your tired, your huddled masses can't be a totally open door, but throwing her ass out of the country to certain catastrophe should be part of the equation, not to mention her kids.
Another problem I have is the whole tourist visa thing. Tourist implies that your on vacation. Vacation implies your going back home at some point. That is not the case here. She never had plans to go home. She knew when she got here that she wasn't going back unless she was deported. I don't know what the process is for someone like her to get here and stay here legally but why not just follow that from the start. Is it not possible to become a citizen in this country without all the deception. If not then the problem lies there.
I`m happy to see their are other Americans, that agree this criminal should be deported. This broad probably made every attempt to become pregnant before entering the U.S. She came here with the intentions to rape every welfare and social system she could. Those like her use their bodies the same as PROSTITUTES for monetary gain, and hope some bleeding hearts Like the A>C>L>U> will side with them.
She should have only one choice leave the U.S. with her children.
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