I've posted here before about my distaste for black people using the race card where it doesn't apply. Remember the old children's book "The Boy That Cried Wolf". Eventually when he really did need help and nobody came. We are getting close to that in the black community. People think we are just calling wolf because we have over played this card. A new example is by Baltimore Ravens Linebacker Ray Lewis. In a recent interview he hinted at racism wondering if the Tennessee Titans would have treated a white QB like Brett Farve or Peyton Manning the same way as they did Steve Mcnair. I have followed the Titans for a long time. I work on their pre-season games and I've directed the Jeff Fisher show for years. I don't see the racism here. Hey Ray in case you missed it Vince Young is BLACK! Also Billy Volek is white and they shipped his butt to San Diego. Kerry Collins is white and they benched him for Young. Hay Ray you ever heard of a former Oiler QB named Warren Moon?
He is right about one thing Peyton Manning and Brett Favre wouldn't be treated this way. That's because Manning is a 2 time MVP winner and the best QB in the league. Favre is the only three time MVP winner in the history of the NFL. They are both probably first ballot hall of famers. I think it's safe to say that they earned the right to go out on their on terms.

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