My girlfriend were arriving home from a holiday party Friday when I saw a guy ducking down between my car and van. I yell stop the car as I noticed the spray paint on my car. It took me a minute to get out because I had a little to drink and I was in a hurry. The two "artist" took off running and I chased after in a suit of all things. They ran through my neighbors back yard and jumped over the fence. I did the same. Just as I make it over the fence I noticed one of them just standing there. I figure why chase the other one when this one is dumb enough to just stand in one spot. I grabbed what I thought was a male suspects arm to my surprise it was a girl. She had her face covered with a bandana. I said your coming with me and she didn't put up a fight.Which made me nervous. She was just to calm. So, I watched her close on the way back to my house for fear that she may be armed. We got to my house and I told to sit. She complied. I called for my 17 year old son and asked him if her knew her. He said yes. I then asked her why she was vandalizing my property. She replied that my son was trying to kill her. What do you mean I asked. She said that my son was in a gang and had put her name a hit list to be killed. I then called the police.
At the same time my girlfriend had circled through the neighborhood and caught up with the male I had been chasing. She asked him why he was spray painting that guys car he said that he had a problem with the boy that lived there. That he had been messing with his girlfriend. She asked who he was and replied that she didn't need to worry about that. She told him that she had his tags and that the police were on the way and that he could stay and deal with them or they would come to his house. He then chose to leave.
I of course was mad as hell. They spray painted my car, van and house with gang graffiti.
Pictures I asked the girl what did her problem with my son have to do with my vehicles and house. My son doesn't have a car. Those are my cars. This is my house. She said she didn't know. I ask her who the guy was she told me "Walter Jones he's my boyfriend". She gave him up without any hesitation. Of course he left her without any as well. She also said that she had been in a gang but she wasn't anymore. The police came and took all the information and took her off to jail. The next day I went to get a warrant on Mr. Jones who turned out to be the legal age of 19. It took most of the day but with the help of a police officer friend I was able to get it done. In the light of morning I also found four bricks covered in bandanas out in my yard. I am guessing that those would have been tossed through my windows if I hadn't come home when I did. That same day I called the kids house to talk to his parents and he answered the phone. His parents weren't home but I did speak with him. I ask him why? He said he was just there to dropped off his girlfriend not realizing that the woman that he confessed to the night before was my girlfriend and lived in that house. Long story short he first denied it. Then he wanted to work things out between his parents and I. I told I would call back and hung up. I spoke with his parents the next day and they came by the house to look at the damage. They are really good people. They were very apologetic to me and disappointed in their son. I felt bad for them.
Back to my son. This is not the first time my house has been vandalized because someone was mad at him. Last year and the early part of this year the rear window of my car was broken as well as paint on the rear of the car. Four windows were broken on the house. One of them twice. He has this fascination with gangs now. I have found pictures of him doing gang signs. Someone told him that he was dead in front of his mother. I keep talking to him about this but he won't listen. He doesn't understand the danger that he is putting himself and our whole family in. I am not going to allow him to get one of his sisters, myself or anyone else close to us hurt or killed because of his stupidity. He turns 18 in August. If anything else happens his 18 birthday will be his last living under my roof. This has been a bad year. I have now put 9 people in jail for vandalism or aggrevated robbery.