Saturday, July 22, 2006

LV on Sports: Chris Brown

What a wimp! Chris Brown wants a trade because he can't take the competition. Yeah, I know with so many running backs that touches are going to be at a premium but if your the man and a pro bowl caliber back like you say then prove it. Beat these guys on the field. Take their playing time away from them by being so good so tough that they don't see much of the field.
The fact is Chris needs the help. He is soft and he can't stay healthy. For my money "cheese" (Travis Henry) is the best back on the team. I've watched him since the glory days at UT and he is the man. If you bring some weak arm tackle to him you are going to get embarrassed.

I say let him go! I think the Titans will just fine with Henry, White and Payton . I have heard that even in victory Brown would still hang his head in the locker room after the game if he didn't get his numbers. You don't need a guy like that on rebuilding team. This team is never going to get back on track of players like Brown don't check their ego.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i say let him go. the more touches for lendale white, the better. imho, white will be the man, and was a great draft pick for the future, unlike vy.

The views of Lewis are his own and do not express the views of his employer or any other organization that he may be affiliated with.