I have always thought most people that make new rules are just bored. They look for things to take from other people and make rules as such. Like at my sons summer school. They have made a rule that students must have there shirts tucked in or be expelled. Meaning that they don't get the credit for being there and the parent is out of 50 bucks. I assume that this is to keep boys from having their pants sagging down their butts. Which by the way I hate. Why anyone would want their pants hanging to their knees is beyond me. It's nothing new. Kids used do this years ago when I was in high school. I didn't get it then and I don't get it now. I admit I tried it. For about 5 minutes and it was very uncomfortable. A few years ago when I was picking my son up from school I counted how many times this kid had to pull his pants up from the door to his car. I counted 12 times. It was ridiculous. With that said I still think expulsion is a little over board. I used to be really hard on my son about it. I would embarrass him in front of his friends if I caught him sagging and make him come home. That all changed one night at Opy Mills mall. There were kids basically rioting. If memory serves there were a few kids even maced. They shut down the whole mall because of it and some kids were taken away by the police. I remember I thinking "thank god my son isn't apart of this". I was so glad I wasn't going to be getting a call from the police like those parents were. The sagging thing seemed so small after that. I mean he hasn't to this point ever been in trouble. So, I got off his back about it. As long as he keeps it covered with his shirt I leave him alone. Sometimes as adults we can get so bogged down with the small stuff that we miss the big picture. Fact is these kids will grow out of this stuff that they think is cool. Being cool usually keeps your pockets empty and nobody wants that.
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