They said it couldn't be done but now it has. It being me being dragged kicking screaming to the alter. Yep, that's me last weekend proposing to my girlfriend Kim and she said yes. No dragging needed. Every year her family has a spring tradition where they get together and play games like egg toss, water balloon toss and guess the number of jelly beans. Depending on your placement you get a certain number of points and at the end of the day they crown a winner. Well this years had a little something extra. At lunch before we said grace I gave Kim a gift with her whole family watching. It was a Tennessee Volunteers football jersey with the number 00 and my last name on the back. It matched the one that she gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago. So, she opened it saw the name and I said "Damn they put the wrong name on it. It should have had your name on it". Then I went on to say "guess there's only one way to fix it". Then I pulled out the ring and dropped to one knee and proposed. Her family went nuts. No one on the plant knew it was coming except her grandmother and I only told her about an hour before I did it. Everyone is of course ecstatic and we have set the date for September 29th. We have booked the atrium and the loft at The Mill at Lebanon. The ceremony will be held in the atrium with the reception following up in the loft. We feel very blessed to have found a good venue with such a short engagement. Our families wanted us to get married in east Tennessee but we felt strongly about having it in the Nashville area. We have set up a Lewis and Kim wedding blog to keep our family and friends up to date with the planning. So far things are going well and I am looking forward to spending my life with my best friend.
That was a really cool way to do it.
Best wishes!
Thank you all. My children and I couldn't be happier. Kim is a wonderful person and I know she will be a great wife and step mom.
What a great story! My dad (big Vol fan) would have gotten a big chuckle out of that one.
Big congratulations and may you two have many happy years together!
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