There is an immigration story that I have seen on couple of stations lately about an immigrant from El Salvador named Claudia Nunez. She has been living in this country illegally since 2001. When she failed to renewed a tourist visa. (Tourist visa damn she hasn't seen enough in 5 years.) She faces deportation because she was caught driving illegally and held under the 287(g) immigration program. Which means as soon as someone is booked sheriff's deputies will check an immigration database and individuals who are in the country illegally will be held until an immigration judge decides what to do. Her husband and two children are legal.
The news reports tried to make their viewers feel sorry for this poor victim."I think there is no day I am not crying," Nunez said. "I cry every day. I'm scared. What happened, I don't know."
"I want to stay here but I am just waiting."
I'm not without a heart and I do feel sorry for her two kids but that doesn't change the fact that this woman shouldn't be in this country. She had every chance over the past 5 years to do the right thing so that she could stay but she chose not to. Now we are supposed to feel sorry for her! You will have to pardon me if I seem cold but I don't. Tell it to the guy who got ran over on his motorcycle by an illegal back in August. Or the family that was murdered by one in South Nashville a few months ago. Stick to facts and leave the sentiment out of it.
I don't have a problem with any race but I do have a problem with illegal immigrants. No matter what country they are from. I support this 287(g) as long as they check everyone. Not just the hispanics or anyone with an accent. If they don't then this is just racial profiling.
The bottom line is keep your status legal and you and your family don't have worry about it. Don't and be prepared to be thrown out on your ass.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Is it dark already?
I have never had a 9 to 5 job and I 'm not sure I every want one. I don't see how 9 to 5'ers don't go crazy or maybe they do. Not only do they have to deal with rush hour twice a day they don't even get to see the sun. They get up and it's dark outside. When they get home it's still dark outside. God forbid it rains then they don't even get sun during their commute. I have always had jobs where I go in during the evening or mid morning. How do these people run their errands. I don't think I could handle doing everything during my lunch break. Go to the bank. Go to the gym. I like to eat to much. On lunch break I want (well) LUNCH. This has to be a depressing time of year for 9 to 5'ers.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Put the race card back in the deck
As an African American I am embarrassed and over the allegation by the NAACP that this RNC Bob Corker ad is racist. We (the black community) are to quick to play this card. Putting a racist label on things that aren't takes validity away from the cases that really are. Let's face it there are still race problems in this country but let's use a little more discretion. Let's put this card back in the deck and play it when it is really necessary.
A white woman with blonde hair and bare shoulders looks into the camera and whispers, "Harold, call me," and then winks.
This Republican National Committee television ad doesn't mention that "Harold" _ Democratic Senate candidate Harold Ford Jr. _ is black, but the NAACP and others have complained the commercial makes an implicit appeal to deep-seated racial fears about black men and white women.
Race was always an element of the Tennessee contest as Ford seeks to become the first black man elected to the Senate from the South since Reconstruction. The issue
slammed into the public consciousness this week with the latest ad.
"I've not met any observer who didn't immediately say, 'Oh my gosh!' It was a race card," said Vanderbilt University professor John Geer, an expert on political attack ads.
Hilary Shelton, director of Washington bureau of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said the ad plays off fears some people still have about interracial couples.
"In a Southern state like Tennessee, some stereotypes still exist," he said. "There's very clearly some racial subtext in an ad like that."
The Republican National Committee, which paid for the ad, denied that ithad any racial subtext. Party chairman Ken Mehlman said it was produced by an independent organization, in accordance with campaign finance law, "without the knowledge, the participation, the advice, the approval or the involvement of either the national party or the campaign."
Associated Press writer Liz Sidoti in Washington contributed to this report.
Copyright 2006 by the Associated Press. All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Vols Bama Rivalry Gone to the Dogs
Evan before the two rivals took the field for Tennessee's 16-13 victory over Alabama the vols drew first blood. During warm ups Bama receiver Mike McCoy stepped on smokey the Volunteers bluetick coonhound mascot. Smokey did what any good Vol would do he snapped at him and apparently drew blood. I'm sure Smokey was only preparing his taste buds for this weekend as the Vols take on the South Carolina Gamecocks. Proving the point that the Crimson Tide not only play like chickens but they taste like them to.For more check out the Tennessean.
Go Vols
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
I feel like dad of the year
My youngest daughter had a school project last week about weather. The project call for her to wright a weather alert like she might see on tv. Ok, I work at a tv station and I'm involved in weather alerts all the time. As fait would have it we had a threat of severe weather that day and they had tornados in Louisiana. So, when I got to work I popped in a tape and rolled on the radar loop. That same day I had one of our main anchors record a toss to my daughter like she would do to our regular weather talent. Later that week I took my daughter to work, put her alert in a script, put in the prompter and recorded her reading it at the chroma key wall. We edited it all together and had one cool project. Her teacher loved it and my daughter couldn't have been happier at all the attention. She thanked me over and over. I felt like the best dad in the world. I always say parenting is putting up with 99 bad things just to get to that one thing that makes you smile. I'm still smiling.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Funny Gator Joke
My girlfriend sent me this.
Three SEC football fans were out for a ride when one noticed a foot sticking out of the bushes by the side of the road. They stopped and discovered a nude female, dead drunk.Out of respect and propriety, the Tennessee fan took off his cap and placed it over her right breast. The Alabama fan took off his cap and placed it over her left breast. Following their lead, but with some grumbling, the Florida fan took off his cap and placed it over her girly part.The police were called and when the officer arrived, he conducted his inspection. First, he lifted up the Tennessee cap, replaced it, and wrote down some notes. Next, he lifted the Alabama cap, replaced it, and wrote down some more notes. The officer then lifted the Florida cap, replaced it, then lifted it again, replaced it, lifted it a third time, and replaced it one last time.The Florida fan was becoming annoyed and finally asked, "What are you, a pervert or something? Why do you keep lifting and looking, lifting and looking?"Well," said the officer, "I am simply surprised. Normallywhen I look under a Florida hat, I find an asshole.
Three SEC football fans were out for a ride when one noticed a foot sticking out of the bushes by the side of the road. They stopped and discovered a nude female, dead drunk.Out of respect and propriety, the Tennessee fan took off his cap and placed it over her right breast. The Alabama fan took off his cap and placed it over her left breast. Following their lead, but with some grumbling, the Florida fan took off his cap and placed it over her girly part.The police were called and when the officer arrived, he conducted his inspection. First, he lifted up the Tennessee cap, replaced it, and wrote down some notes. Next, he lifted the Alabama cap, replaced it, and wrote down some more notes. The officer then lifted the Florida cap, replaced it, then lifted it again, replaced it, lifted it a third time, and replaced it one last time.The Florida fan was becoming annoyed and finally asked, "What are you, a pervert or something? Why do you keep lifting and looking, lifting and looking?"Well," said the officer, "I am simply surprised. Normallywhen I look under a Florida hat, I find an asshole.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Sports Illustrated jinx threatens to derail Vols Season
Tennessee Volunteer redshirt Freshman Antonio Wardlow will be on the cover of the October 16, 2006 issue of Sports Illustrated. The photo is of Wardlow recovering a punt that he blocked for a touchdown in the 51-33 win over Georgia last week. The article is about how the SEC is the toughest NCAA football conference to play in. The question now is could the Vols or Antonio Wardlow be succeptable to the SI jinx. In case haven't heard of this it is a commen superstition that being on the cover of SI will cause you or your team bad luck. SI addressed their own cover jinx in a 2002 issue featuring a black cat on the cover. Then St. Louis Rams quarterback Kurt Warner was asked to pose with the cat, but refused. Warner and the Rams won their next two games to win their second NFC Championship in three years. I can remember a SI cover that proclaimed the Tennesee offensive line of Chad Clifton, Cosey Coleman, Bubba Miller, Jeff Smith, Trey Teague as possibly the best ever. Although they were talented they struggled and didn't live up to the hype. So, look out Vols fans!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
OCC in America Chopper Show in Nashville
I was lucky enough to score some free tickets (ok my girlfriend scored them) for the OCC in America show this past weekend. In case you haven't seen it Orange County Choppers is a family owned custom chopper company in New York that has a reality tv show on the Discovery channel called American Chopper .We really had a good time. At least after we finally got there. Kim is a little on the let's say slow side and we left an hour later than planned. After getting there and listing to her yell at me for riding faster than her (ok Kim I admit it I was wrong) we had fun. A group of christian riders blessed our bikes when we got there. Hopefully that will keep me off the pavement. We had good seats right down front where we could sit until they came out then get up for a closer look. We met this nice couple from Shelbyville that we teamed up with to hold our seats. As well as take pictures of each other. We weren't able to go until Sunday. We both worked on Friday and I had morning obligations on Saturday. Not to mention we had to watch our Vols lay the smack down on the Georgia Bulldogs(51-33 go vols).
This is not the type of show you take a date that isn't into bikes or hasn't seen the tv show. Lucky for me both of use ride. The Friday and Saturday shows had live music but Sunday was the OCC guys doing some how to stuff, Assembling a bike(which they gave away), tossing out t-shirts and frisbees. Many of their bikes were on display and that was very cool. They were fenced in but you could get within about 5 yards of them. So, I got some really good pictures. The best part was when they were picking a color for the computer generated bike Paul Jr. used my shirt as reference for UT orange.
Afterwards we grabbed a bite to eat on 2nd Avenue. There had to be more than 100 bikes on 2nd Sunday. It was an unbelievable site and very loud. Check out the pictures there is a funny one of Paul Sr. coming out of the porta potty(I know it's sick but it was too funny not to take the shot.
Friday, October 06, 2006
The Irony of me being a blogger
Blogging is a hobby. I don't get paid for doing it but I do enjoy it. Which is strange because the English language has never been a friend to me. I usually struggled with anything related to it when I was a kid. Ok, I'll be honest I struggled with most everything in school except for lunch. I was a skinny kid so I guess I had my struggles with that as well. I found it hard to retain it from year to year. So, every year it like I had never seen it before. Hell, I still can't diagram a sentence. Spelling dan't evan got mi started. I just never put forth the effort and let me tell you I pay for it now. I can't always tell how to spell something but I can usually tell if it wrong. I love That's one of the cool things about blogging. It is informal. I don't have to worry about viewers or readers calling me up to tell me I put where instead of wear(which I have done on here). I don't have to answer to a boss if I get a fact wrong. Who's to say that anybody would even see it since there is no real way to my knowledge for me to monitor how many people read these posts.
So, pardon my misspellings. Forgive me if I have a comma splice. Embrace my defiance of most English rules. By god i does not always come before e except after c. I may not have all these literary skills but I do have an opinion. I also have a computer(it's a Dell dude) with an internet connection. For blogging that's all you need.
So, pardon my misspellings. Forgive me if I have a comma splice. Embrace my defiance of most English rules. By god i does not always come before e except after c. I may not have all these literary skills but I do have an opinion. I also have a computer(it's a Dell dude) with an internet connection. For blogging that's all you need.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Definition of Sicko: See Mark Foley
Former Congressman Mark Foley's attorney said Foley was molested by a member of the clergy when he was a teenager. Foley checked into rehab for alcoholism after abruptly quitting congress Friday over inappropriate instant messages with an underage male congressional page. The only thing worse than being a sicko is making excuses for being a sicko. Boo hoo hoo don't blame me it's the churches fault I'm a sick drunken deviant. I hope they throw the book at this guy. To violate a trust like that after speaking out so strongly against child predators for so many years is unbelievable. I take great satisfaction in the fact that he will probably be prosecuted under some of the laws he helped create. The irony of this is as deep as the ocean but as sweet as my mom's lemon pie.
His lawyer went on to say that Foley was gay. REALLY! That's shocking! That went right over my head. Talk about stating the obvious.
He even interrupted a vote on the floor of the House in 2003 to engage in Internet sex with a high school student who had served as a congressional page. So, if he was under the influence of alcohol every time he sent these messages wouldn't that mean that he was drunk on the job? Those messages were sent moments before voting in the house. This morning ABC News aired messages that imply that Foley may have provided alcohol for underage teens at his home.
Check out this video of Foley back in 2002 speaking to a group of pages that were about to leave. I'm sure it seamed innocent then but now it's kind of creepy.
His lawyer went on to say that Foley was gay. REALLY! That's shocking! That went right over my head. Talk about stating the obvious.
He even interrupted a vote on the floor of the House in 2003 to engage in Internet sex with a high school student who had served as a congressional page. So, if he was under the influence of alcohol every time he sent these messages wouldn't that mean that he was drunk on the job? Those messages were sent moments before voting in the house. This morning ABC News aired messages that imply that Foley may have provided alcohol for underage teens at his home.
Check out this video of Foley back in 2002 speaking to a group of pages that were about to leave. I'm sure it seamed innocent then but now it's kind of creepy.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Haynesworth gets 5 Game Suspenion
Tennessee Titans defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth was suspended five games for kicking Dallas center Andre Gurode in the face during Sunday's game. Here is the video.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Albert Haynesworth: I couldn't believe my eyes
"What I did out there was disgusting." "It doesn't matter what the league does to me. The way I feel right now, you just can't describe it."Those are the words Titans Defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth after the 45-14 beat down by the Dallas Cowboys Sunday. In case you missed it Haynesworth kicked Dallas center Andre Gurode in the face causing multiple lacerations around his left eye, he left for the locker room to receive 30 stitches but returned to the sideline late in the third quarter. Haynesworth also pulled off his helmet and slammed it to the ground, prompting another flag. He was then tossed from the game.
This was despicable. I still can't believe I saw what I saw. I have followed Fat Albert(hey,hey,hey). Sorry wrong Albert. Anyway since his days at UT and I am embarrassed that he is a former Vol. What the hell would make someone do something like that. To stomp another man in the face with cleats on. Oh my god. He deserves what ever he gets. There is no place for that crap in any profession. He doesn't deserve to wear the number 92. FYI that was the number of former UT great and NFL hall of famer Reggie White.
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