The latest tragedy in Colorado coupled with my daughters school play this morning has got me thinking about school safety. An intruder could walk into any Metro Nashville school right now armed and there is nothing anyone could do about it. My son's high school has several entrances and anyone could gain entry from any direction. It does have a resource officer office but plenty of damage could be done before they could do anything about it. In fact if a intruder knew where that office was they could ambush it with no problem.
On the other hand my two daughter's school has all locked doors and you have to be buzzed in at the front. Even this system would not stop a gunman. When I go to the school like this morning. I just ring the bell and the secretary looks to see that someone is there and she buzzes them in. Another way to get in is to just wait until someone leaves and walk in that way. Theres no security guard or metal detectors. It scares me really. It isn't like this hasn't happened in Tennessee before.
I don't know what the answer is to keep our children safe at school. I know money is an issue. I know that no system is going to be fool proof. I just hope someone fixes it before god forbid something happens to one of my children.

Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Bothered by the death of Diamond Brownridge
Incase you missed it Diamond Brownridge is the 5 year old little girl from Chicago who went to the dentist and received a triple dose of sedatives. Then went into a coma. Well, she died yesterday. I can't imagine how painful this must be for her parents. For more on Diamond Brownridge.
A co-worker years ago told me that a professor told her"working in news rots your soul". It took a while but I believe that. After 13 years in the news business not much gets to me anymore. I make jokes about most of it. Death, destruction it doesn't faze me. There is one exception. That is children. I have three kids of my own and I am bothered when harm comes to a child. Remember a few years ago when there was a rash of abducted little girls around the country. There was this one girl who had been murdered. A network package had a shot of her dead body covered with a sheet. I think it was on a rock by some water. She was the same size and weight of my daughters at the time. She looked just like one of my daughters in that shot. It almost moved me to tears. I hope they sue the pants off this guy and he loses his license. This is pure negligence.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
For as long as there have been coaches there have been fans that think they know more than coaches. Most sports fans have been guilty of it at one time or other and I'm no exception. Now a couple Tennessee Titans fans have taken their criticism of Jeff Fisher into cyber space. They have launched their own website Fire this coach dotcom sites are nothing new. Tennessee Volunteers head coach Phillip Fulmer has had one as well as the now former offensive coordinator Randy Sanders. Did you notice I said Former offensive coordinator(maybe it worked). This new site blames coach Fisher and GM Floyed Reese for the poor showing by the Titans over the past few years as well as for the current 0-3 record. There goal is to sell 67,798 T-shirts that read "Hey Bud, Fire Coach Fisher". Why 67,798? because that's the number of seats at LP Field. The site is the brain child of Bryan Griffey who designed the t-shirt and Jonathan Tucker. They launched the site after Sundays 13-10 loss to Miami.
This site is lame. They want Fisher out but don't pen point anything that he has done wrong. They criticize Fisher for the way Mcnair was handled. That was a management decision not the coaches. They have a problem with the way he handled the Volek situation. I admit I did also but I am starting to think that there is more to that than we all know. Maybe Billy was lazy. Sometimes thinking your owed something makes you stop doing the things that put you in the position to get it in the first place. They wouldn't even let the Tennessean take their picture for fear they might be recognized. Are they afraid that big Albert is going to pay them a visit. I have a name for these guys but I won't dirty up my blog with that kind of language. Heres a hint. It's starts with a P.
It appears that Bud Adams backs Fisher. During preseason Adams said: "Fisher's not going anywhere. He'll be here."As of right now I also support Fisher. His job is to Coach the players that management gives him. If those players aren't good enough it isn't his fault: YET. This is a young team and it going to take time to get them to gel together. I have confidence that Jeff will get the job done. If anyone should be worried it should be Floyd Reese.
This site is lame. They want Fisher out but don't pen point anything that he has done wrong. They criticize Fisher for the way Mcnair was handled. That was a management decision not the coaches. They have a problem with the way he handled the Volek situation. I admit I did also but I am starting to think that there is more to that than we all know. Maybe Billy was lazy. Sometimes thinking your owed something makes you stop doing the things that put you in the position to get it in the first place. They wouldn't even let the Tennessean take their picture for fear they might be recognized. Are they afraid that big Albert is going to pay them a visit. I have a name for these guys but I won't dirty up my blog with that kind of language. Heres a hint. It's starts with a P.
It appears that Bud Adams backs Fisher. During preseason Adams said: "Fisher's not going anywhere. He'll be here."As of right now I also support Fisher. His job is to Coach the players that management gives him. If those players aren't good enough it isn't his fault: YET. This is a young team and it going to take time to get them to gel together. I have confidence that Jeff will get the job done. If anyone should be worried it should be Floyd Reese.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Weatherman VS. Cockroach
I have seen some funny weather bloopers in my 13 years in TV but this one takes the prize.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Ouch put some ice on it
If you like laughing at stupid people you will love this. I think somebody greased the pole.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
LV on Sports: Grading the Vols
I have mixed thoughts about the Vols this weekend. Hey, a 33-7 win is never a bad thing but there are some concerns as we get closer to a tough SEC schedule and lets not look past Memphis. We got caught doing that a few years ago when a certain quarterback by the name of Peyton was at UT and the offensive coordinators name that year; Davide Cutcliffe.
Offense: C+
The offensive line just isn't getting the job done the last two games. With the exception of LaMarcus Coker's 89 yard TD run the run (which came at the beginning of the 4th quarter)blocking was near nonexistent. The Vols only rushed for 36 yards during the first 3 quarters. The pass blocking was pretty good although Ainge was sacked twice. The receivers and the improved play from Eric Ainge are the bright spots. Ainge appears to be more confident each game and is making better decisions(with the exception of that sack he took in the second half where he should thrown the ball away). The receivers are playing well but it does concern me that I don't hear many names called other than Jason Swain (Sr.), Brett Smith (Sr.) and Robert Meachem (Jr.). Who will catch the ball if and when these guys get hurt and Graduate next year?
Defense: B-
This D-line has been run over for the 3rd straight week. Marshal had the ball for nearly 10 more minutes than Tennessee. The Vols only managed one possession in the 3rd quarter. This is large in part to Marshal's ability to run the football. Linebackers played well but missed some tackles. The secondary also did well but when a team only attempts 14 passes it's kind of hard not to.
Special Teams: A+
James Wilhoit has been phenomenal. He had made 11 straight field goals until he missed one from 42 yards Saturday night. He later nailed one from 49. He has been on fire on kickoffs. He has had 3 touchbacks per game this season and Saturday he ran down the field and made a non-touchdown saving tackle. He has stepped it up this season. Punter Britton Colquitt averaged 56 yards on 3 punts and all were downed inside the 10 yard line.
Coaching: C
I think David Cutcliffe has improved a lot in his play calling but at times it looks like the same crap that he did for years at UT. To many screen passes and he abandoned the run for awhile. You have to run in the SEC. If you can’t run you will not win. They are going to have to get creative in the run game. This line is not good enough to just line up and run over anyone. I was pleased with the play action call on third down for a touchdown. I wouldn’t have made that call but I am glad he did.
Offense: C+
The offensive line just isn't getting the job done the last two games. With the exception of LaMarcus Coker's 89 yard TD run the run (which came at the beginning of the 4th quarter)blocking was near nonexistent. The Vols only rushed for 36 yards during the first 3 quarters. The pass blocking was pretty good although Ainge was sacked twice. The receivers and the improved play from Eric Ainge are the bright spots. Ainge appears to be more confident each game and is making better decisions(with the exception of that sack he took in the second half where he should thrown the ball away). The receivers are playing well but it does concern me that I don't hear many names called other than Jason Swain (Sr.), Brett Smith (Sr.) and Robert Meachem (Jr.). Who will catch the ball if and when these guys get hurt and Graduate next year?
Defense: B-
This D-line has been run over for the 3rd straight week. Marshal had the ball for nearly 10 more minutes than Tennessee. The Vols only managed one possession in the 3rd quarter. This is large in part to Marshal's ability to run the football. Linebackers played well but missed some tackles. The secondary also did well but when a team only attempts 14 passes it's kind of hard not to.
Special Teams: A+
James Wilhoit has been phenomenal. He had made 11 straight field goals until he missed one from 42 yards Saturday night. He later nailed one from 49. He has been on fire on kickoffs. He has had 3 touchbacks per game this season and Saturday he ran down the field and made a non-touchdown saving tackle. He has stepped it up this season. Punter Britton Colquitt averaged 56 yards on 3 punts and all were downed inside the 10 yard line.
Coaching: C
I think David Cutcliffe has improved a lot in his play calling but at times it looks like the same crap that he did for years at UT. To many screen passes and he abandoned the run for awhile. You have to run in the SEC. If you can’t run you will not win. They are going to have to get creative in the run game. This line is not good enough to just line up and run over anyone. I was pleased with the play action call on third down for a touchdown. I wouldn’t have made that call but I am glad he did.
Friday, September 22, 2006
$200 shoes for under 15 bucks
NBA star Stephon Marbury has teamed up with Steve & Barry's to create a shoe and clothing line where everything is under 15 dollars. That's right folks you heard me everything for under 15 bucks. His line includes leather jackets for $10, hats, hoodies, jeans and jean jackets and a variety of sneakers. Here is the really impressive part. Unlike other stars like Shaq who have endorsed low cost basketball shows(shaqs shoes run about $40). Marbury will actually where his on the court. "My first home game I'm going to go to the store and pick up a pair of shoes and bring them to the (Madison Square) Garden and lace them up and play in them,". I'm kind of wondering if he using semantics here and we will never see him where them after the first game. This way he can say that he did where them in a game and everyone will see them on SportsCenter that night. I do give him props for doing this. He could make a lot more money by endorsing shoes that cost 10 times as much. So, I take him at his word. "Everything we're doing is motivated by us, just being a group of people who feel it's time for change."There just happens to be a Steve and Barry's at Hickory Hollow Mall in Antioch. You may not have heard of them because they cut costs by doing no advertising, relying heavily on word of mouth. I have been to the one in Antioch and I was impress by the quality of merchandise they have considering the low price.
Last Day of Vacation
I had been on six day sometimes seven day work weeks for more than 2 months so I was really due for a vacation. I can't remember the last we were fully staffed. I'm sure theres probably a resignation on my desk right now but I'll worry about that on Monday. Because today I'm still on vacation. I didn't really go anywhere or even do much this week. I just needed not to be at work. I like my job and everything. It's just that unlike most managers when my department is short handed (and we have been short a lot over the past year) I can't just schedule everyone else overtime. I also have to come in and do it myself. Luckily for me I'm not salary, so I get paid extra to do it. Then why am I bitching. All that extra money would make most people happy. Truthfully, I would rather give up the money and be at home with my family. I'd rather be less tired and have less stress so that I can enjoy the time I do spend with them. That was even the case when I was broke and working three jobs.
So, Monday it's back to the grind. If history is any indication someone will tick me off and bring back 50% of my stress within 3 hours. I owe, I owe so it's off to work I go!
So, Monday it's back to the grind. If history is any indication someone will tick me off and bring back 50% of my stress within 3 hours. I owe, I owe so it's off to work I go!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Attempted Booty Assault??
I had to go to court today for some burglaries problems that have plagued me this year. This case before me was one of the strangest things I have ever heard. The witness said that she was at a local restaurant and she noticed this man come in alone and sit down. No big deal. Then she noticed that he kept on reaching behind him towards the buttocks of the woman sitting behind him. She didn't know why. She stated that he tried 3 times to touch the butt of the women behind him. She gets up and goes and asked the lady if she knew the gentleman. She replied no. She then proceeds to tell the guy that she knows what he is doing and she is going to get the manager and call the police. The guy gets up and runs out. The two women give chase and write down his plate number.
Now the man never did actually touch the women and she wouldn't have known anything if the witness hadn't said anything. The case was bound over to the grand jury but I couldn't hear what the charge was. So, when I saw the guy outside I had to ask him. "Dude what did they charge you with attempted illegal touching of the booty". He said he didn't know and he doesn't understand what he did wrong.
Granted running away doesn't make him look so innocent but what the hell did he do illegal? What proof beside one nosey yuppie do they have. This case is a colossal waste of the courts time and I don't know why they are pursuing this. All the guy has to say is I didn't do it and I ran because I was scared and confused. He had a thick mid eastern accent so he can play up on the not understanding part. I just don't understand what crime this lady thought he was about to commit. If he had touched her it isn't like he could have gotten away with it. She would have felt it. I don't think he was a pick pocket. Women don't usually store there wallets in their back pocket. I would love to find out what happens in this case. I'll let you know if I do.
Now the man never did actually touch the women and she wouldn't have known anything if the witness hadn't said anything. The case was bound over to the grand jury but I couldn't hear what the charge was. So, when I saw the guy outside I had to ask him. "Dude what did they charge you with attempted illegal touching of the booty". He said he didn't know and he doesn't understand what he did wrong.
Granted running away doesn't make him look so innocent but what the hell did he do illegal? What proof beside one nosey yuppie do they have. This case is a colossal waste of the courts time and I don't know why they are pursuing this. All the guy has to say is I didn't do it and I ran because I was scared and confused. He had a thick mid eastern accent so he can play up on the not understanding part. I just don't understand what crime this lady thought he was about to commit. If he had touched her it isn't like he could have gotten away with it. She would have felt it. I don't think he was a pick pocket. Women don't usually store there wallets in their back pocket. I would love to find out what happens in this case. I'll let you know if I do.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Pope's words prompt true colors yet again
Have you noticed that when ever something happens to tick off muslims they turn to violence. Remember last year when cartoons of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad published in a Danish newspaper sparked violent protest. Here they are: You don't see christians killing people over episodes of South Park.
Now churches are being burned and a nun was killed over remarks made by Pope Benedict XVI. If they are so concerned about their image why don't do something to change it. Starting with not killing nuns over what the Pope said. For god's sake it was a nun. Who has any nun ever hurt. Well beside catholic school boys and I'm sure they had it coming.
The really scary thing is that it is being done in the name of religion. This is why they are impossible to stop. I guess if I had been brain washed into thinking I would go to heaven and get ninety two virgins I'd blow myself up too.
The fact is these are violent people. For some reason they think they have the right to kill innocent people at a whim. They are elitist. No race is as good as theirs and other religions aren't worthy to live. "Kill the infidels" I can think of no other religion that is this radical. That includes those screwy Scientologist. When you hear about them sending young boys into mine fields to check for explosives. It sure makes the Catholic priest molestation thing seem a little a lot smaller by comparison doesn't it. Hmm 10 minutes in Father Mikes office or blown to bits and then finding out you don't get paradise or virgins.
Now churches are being burned and a nun was killed over remarks made by Pope Benedict XVI. If they are so concerned about their image why don't do something to change it. Starting with not killing nuns over what the Pope said. For god's sake it was a nun. Who has any nun ever hurt. Well beside catholic school boys and I'm sure they had it coming.
The really scary thing is that it is being done in the name of religion. This is why they are impossible to stop. I guess if I had been brain washed into thinking I would go to heaven and get ninety two virgins I'd blow myself up too.
The fact is these are violent people. For some reason they think they have the right to kill innocent people at a whim. They are elitist. No race is as good as theirs and other religions aren't worthy to live. "Kill the infidels" I can think of no other religion that is this radical. That includes those screwy Scientologist. When you hear about them sending young boys into mine fields to check for explosives. It sure makes the Catholic priest molestation thing seem a little a lot smaller by comparison doesn't it. Hmm 10 minutes in Father Mikes office or blown to bits and then finding out you don't get paradise or virgins.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Man rejects first Penis Transplant
Chinese surgeons have performed the world's first penis transplant on a 44 year old man who was left with a 1cm-long stump after an accident. He was unable to urinate or have sexual intercourse. Doctors spent 15 hours attaching a 10cm penis (10cm could the stereotype be true) after the parents of a brain dead man agreed to donate their son's organ. Although the operation was a surgical success, surgeons said they had to remove the penis two weeks later. "Because of a severe psychological problem of the recipient and his wife, the transplanted penis regretfully had to be cut off," Dr Hu said. An examination of the organ showed no signs of it being rejected by the body.
I hate the Gators but I had fun
I have been following the Vols since I was a child. My father got me into it at a young age. Every since I can remember I have taken a lot of crap from Gator fans in our stadium. For three plus hours ever couple of years it's the chomp and smack talking. I hate those guys. Every time I go to this game Tennessee gets beat down. I mean a royal butt kicking. It has gotten to the point where I don't even like going to that game at all. If you check the history between the two programs and see every time Tennessee has gotten beat really bad I was there. With the exception of this past Saturday. For the first time I can remember I saw us take the lead with me in the stadium. Although we lost and it sucks to lose to those guys again it was one of the best times I can recall at a Tennessee game. My girlfriend and I had a great time. With the exception of the last 5 minutes. I actually let go a little. Ok, I let go a lot. She couldn't believe what she was seeing when I screamed with elation when Tennessee intercepted a pass for a touchdown(it was called back on ticky tack roughing call). I really felt like part of the game. When they had the ball I wanted them to hear me and not be able to check off. Maybe one day I'll get to see my Vols beat Florida in person.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Another excuse not to exercise
There is a study in the journal Archives of Ophthalmology that reports that lifting weights might lead to an increase risk of glaucoma. Which by the way is the leading cause of blindness in the US. Lifting weights temporarily increases pressure within the eyes which could lead to a higher risk of normal pressure glaucoma. Past studies have suggested that people who play certain wind instruments or do things that strain their breath in certain ways also have a greater risk for NPG.
I'm not saying there isn't any validity to this but it does give people another excuse not to weight train. There are studies that show that weight training is an important part of an exercise program. Even for people who would be considered elderly. I guess I'm going to be blind because I have been lifting heavy for along time now. If you ain't straining you ain't training.
I'm not saying there isn't any validity to this but it does give people another excuse not to weight train. There are studies that show that weight training is an important part of an exercise program. Even for people who would be considered elderly. I guess I'm going to be blind because I have been lifting heavy for along time now. If you ain't straining you ain't training.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Where were you: 9-11-01
Today of course is the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. So, I was talking to my girlfriend this morning about where we both were when it happen. You hear people talk about these things all the time about where they were when they found out about Kennedy or where they were during the first space shuttle accident. 9/11 is just that kind of historic event. Funny thing is I don't remember a lot more than that about that day. I was up early watching Good Morning America. I assume that I had gotten up with my son for school but I couldn't have taken my daughter to preschool or I wouldn't have been home. Well, they were interviewing a witness who said that it didn't look like an accident to her. The anchors replied "what do you mean you don't think it was an accident". As she started to explain I remember seeing something quickly flash through the camera lens. They had a tight shot of the first tower and remember thinking it was a shadow. Then the witness screamed "oh my god another plane hit the other tower". This made me stand up and say out loud "oh &*$%^@ we are under attack. I was glued to the tube for a while then I had to leave to do something but I don't remember what it was. On my way back home I turned on talk radio to see if there were any updates and a voice said it looks like the second tower is about to fall. I thought second tower what happen to the first one. I was about a 3 blocks from my house and I burned rubber trying to get home in time. It fell as I parked the car and I got in just in time to see the last bit hit the ground. I never thought for a moment that either would collapse. I probably wouldn't have left if I had. Not that I take pleasure in seeing people die but I have worked in news for along time and I know when I'm seeing something historic.
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