I work in media. I'm not on TV or anything but I've seen many on air personalities come and go over the years. Some on their own terms some not. Like Star Jones for instance. Now I will be the first to say that I respect any African American that is doing something positive. Lord knows that there have been enough negative images of black people over the years. So, I appreciate the positive ones. However, that crap that she pulled this week WAS weak. Sometimes in this business you lose your job. You fall from grace. People decide they don't like you. I must say it doesn't surprise me that the research wasn't favorable for Star. The same thing happen to Oprah when she lost weight. I watch a show where viewers got to talk frankly to Oprah and some of them told her that they felt that she had changed after she lost weight. The difference (other than Oprah is her own boss) is attitude. Oprah is a very present person. Star oozes with attitude. I get the feeling that she thinks she craps sunshine. She comes across very full of herself. The way she went on and on about her wedding became nauseating. Does she think that this guy would have been at all interested in her in the first place if she wasn't on TV. Now, I am not a shallow person and I am cool with a woman being a little heavy but Star was obese and unhealthy looking. She also isn't a very attractive women fat or skinny in my opinion.
I'm happy that so far nobody has played the race card. Now if there was some funny business because of race by all means lets hear it. I was afraid that race would become an issue even if it wasn't.
Star suck it up. Get new job. Maybe have some babies. What ever you do get over yourself.
NO JOKE. Did Star really intend to go toe-to-toe with someone the calibar of Barbara Walters?? She couldn't have possibly have thought that anyone would take her "View" sitting down.
She's sort of making me grossed out.
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